I've Been Waiting On You

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A couple of days later - Ricky's POV

"Hey Connor finally tweeted something and it's a whopper," Kian exclaims. We're cuddled up next to each other in my bed. I finally let Kian spend the night after an awesome makeout session but nothing more. I am starting to feel ready to take our relationship up a notch but then again, we've only actually been boyfriends for a couple of days.

"Listen to this," he says. "I'm scared to admit how much I need you but when we're together, my fears just melt away."

"Wow, he is in deep." I respond. "Do you have any idea where he is?"

"No, he stopped tweeting or texting after he left his family in Minnesota and headed to his secret spot to work on his book. Have you heard from him?" Kian asks.

"Nothing in two days. I saw the pictures of his family and his friends, including that girl Alli. Do you think that she is his new girlfriend?" I respond.

"I don't know. He had an arm around her but he also had an arm around the guy on his other side. But he's mentioned her before as a friend." Kian has a mischievous look on his face. "We haven't told him about us being a couple...let's call him." He says.

I get up from our bed, which elicits a groan from Kian, and grab my laptop. "He said to use skype because he wasn't going to have good reception." I say while sitting back down. We call Connor.

"Hey guys. Something wrong?" He says, "Wait are you in bed together? You could have gotten dressed before you called me. What does this mean?"

"Ricky and I are officially a couple." Kian proclaims.

"That's awesome! I'm really happy for you guys...and?"

"Even though I don't like to kiss and tell, we're still taking it slow." I respond, "How about you?"

Connor beamed. "I'm great. I really needed to see my family and Minnesota friends. Now I am enjoying some time away."

"And some time with a special friend?" Kian asks with a big smile.

"Maaaybe, and that's all your going to get Keen." Connor smiles back; his glow gives it away. Then we hear several voices in the background, girls and guys. "Sorry guys, got to go. Hey but I want to do something special with you and the other guys on the evening after I get back. I'll share more details then, but keep it open. Bye my loves." With that he quickly signed off.

"Did you hear that Ricky?"

"He certainly wasn't alone or he must have been in a public place?"

"No, I mean, they were all British accents. I think he is in England." Kian says excitedly.

Curiosity got the best of us and we started stalking all of the British Youtuber's social media. it turns out there are a lot of Youtubers in London, not just Zoe and Alfie but Joe, Caspar, Joey, Bethany, Jenn, and Alexa among others. But Tyler still seemed to be in the L.A. and all Troye had posted lately was pictures of his family and complaints about travel. There were lots of photos of guinea pigs and friends but none with Connor and no mentions of him either. So we got nowhere. Very strange. I wonder what he has planned for when he gets back.

A couple of more days later - still Ricky's POV

Connor came home late last night and it just feels good to have him where he belongs. More than just me and Kian, we have all become a little more clingy with each other since Sam died and it does not feel right when someone isn't there.

I get up at about 11 and headed downstairs. Kian is already grilling Connor in the kitchen.

"I told you, I went away to somewhere special and that's all I am going to say. But yes there were British people around. I promise I will tell you everything soon." Connor pleads.

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