Saying Goodbye to Sam Part 2

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Ricky's POV

With the help of JC and Connor I manage to calm down and think logically. We start making phone calls and leaving messages, hoping Kian is going to go to a logical place for him. After about 15 minutes we head out the door to search some of Kian's favorite least the ones that are open at this hour. Just as I get into Connor's car, I get the text I was hoping to get.

"He's here - Andrea."

I call immediately and Andrea picks up, "Thank God," is all I can say. I am almost in tears with relief.

"He had a bad nightmare about Sam and he's pretty messed up." She responds, "I'll let him crash here for a few hours and then bring him back in the morning."

"Thanks Andrea, we love you." I respond. I tell the guys and we make a relieved trudge back into the house. Knowing Kian is safe, I actually mange a few hours sleep.

I wake up to a tall thin shadow hovering over me. "Yuh, yuh, yikes!" I scream and cower into the corner of my bed. My eyes focus and I realize it is Kian. After a few seconds my heart beat calms down and I relax. "Kian, how long have you been there?"

"A while..." he admits and looks down. He sits on the edge of my bed. "Actually, I sat here for a while and on your chair for a while. I thought about crawling in next to you but decided that would be too startling."

Clearly Kian had both returned and calmed down from last night. I look him up and down. He was dressed in the same clothes he had warn last night and looked pale and tired. His eyes were bloodshot and he was trembling a little. I want to jump up and hug him but given my messed up state and the fact I was wearing only boxers, I think better of it and stay curled up. Kian looks me right in the eye and then looks at the bed and mutters, "I'm sorry Ricky."

I decide not to ask about my car or about Andrea but say what is on my heart, "You scared me so much, I'm just glad you're ok. But what happened that got you so freaked out. Did you have a nightmare."

"Yeah, mostly about Sam but you as well and Connor. I'm so messed up. I needed Andrea to help me sort it out."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Maybe later. I just needed to apologize for now." Kian responds, "Plus wake you up, we need to get ready."

"What time is it?" I ask.

"9:00 am. We've got about 45 minutes. You can shower first." Kian moves to go. I reach up to grab him.

"Hey," I say, "none of this is going to be easy. Let's do it together." Kian gives me a nod and a slight smile. It's another rough day ahead. Sam's funeral is at 11 am and it's about an hour to get there. So we have to move, which is probably a good thing.

I shower quickly, do my hair and get into my tuxedo. I help Kian with his tie. We go downstairs and see Connor and JC are already ready. I grab a breakfast protein bar and remember that Kian took my car. "What's the car situation?" I ask.

"Not good." Connor replies. "Andrea drove Kian home so now both of your cars are at her place. JC and I decided that ordering a limo would be best. It can take us to the service and then drop us off at various places after."

"Besides, I think Sam would appreciate us showing up in style." Adds JC.

I just nodded, both bemused and saddened by the whole incredulous situation. Kian sheepishly hands me the keys to my car, parked several miles away. I open the front door an there is a limo. A small, reasonable one like you see at the airport mind you but a limo. We all get in quietly, each of us preparing for the emotions that lie ahead.

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