Chase, Marvin, Jackieboy x Tiny!Reader [Part 1]

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I'm telling you, Marv, this movie would have been a lot better if it wasn't for this scene, like from what cheap movie... - He told Chase to fix his hat.

I don't know about you, Chase, but I like Jackie and I liked it. Jackie was just banging his head.

All in all, we've been planning on going out for some good horror movie in four for a long time - me, Chase, Jackie, Marvin. This time we found a real good movie.

You're the only one (Y/N) been blindfolded all this time... - Marv's laughed, and so are the other two.

No, it's not... I was just checking what time it is... - I said, hiding in a hoodie.

We went on laughing and telling them how you feel about the fim.

At one point, someone started following us... the guys probably didn't pay attention but I decided to keep it quiet. I didn't mean to take their fun away, so we just kept on talking... but this guy was still following us. There was something I didn't like about him... there was something about him that only I could see.

Guys... I think this guy is following us...- I finally got back to you.

Yeah, I noticed that too... - said Jackie.

Chase will take (Y/N) home by shortcuts we'll get to you right away...- I'll tell Marv.

I'll listen to Marvin, and Chase and I took a shortcut home... but the alley we chose was the worst... there were more people standing there, and the worst part was that they were the same as the one following us.

We beat one guy, but the good guys... they wouldn't let us go.

Gentlemen, can you let us through..?-  Chase said they're covering me with their body.

They didn't answer anything.

One of them easily hit Chase right in the face.


Chase started fighting with what he hit him... while the other two grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me to the wall.


You... ? Not to them, but to you, pretty girl... you're going to be our guinea pig... - he took some strange substance out of his pocket and stuffed it down my throat. I didn't want to swallow it, but the guy was closing his nose and I had to drink the substance to the end. I was jerking off to make him stop and take it out of my mouth but he didn't do anything.

Finally, he took out an empty vessel and threw it in... - Okay, people, we're falling on a successful mission... - He said and they ran away.

I slipped down to the ground and I felt weird... the whole world was spinning... I just saw Chase run up to me and Jackie and Marvin followed him.

Chase... what happened to you and most importantly, what happened to (Y/N)? He asked Jackie to pick up (Y/N) for the hand.

These people attacked us... but (Y/N) pushed something down our throats... Chase showed up on a broken vessel. Marvin went to the toe and examined it.

We have to lose her as soon as possible or it will be very bad.

539 words

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