Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Aura could be heard groaning behind me. "Don't you two start," She lectured the pair of us. "I'm serious. Sort out your sh*t and quit acting like your shoe sizes."

I decided to call a truce, for now, until he would subsequently bring it up again. He evidently wanted an apology, but the word wasn't in my vocabulary or the moral compass in my body. Meaning, he would be waiting forever, and this vicious circle of taunting would be infinite.

It may be easier to say sorry at this rate.

"What's the score?" I questioned, getting down to business.

"You really can't get in?" Elena followed my lead.

Damon tutted. "No. Seems even the ancient Lockwood's were anti-vampire."

"What do you mean, ancient?"

"Duh. Look around you, Elena," I deadpanned the girl, gesturing to the atmosphere around us with my left hand. "I doubt these tunnels were carved out in the twenty-first century."

"Come see for yourself," Damon walked past my stationary body, ahead and deeper into the drama we were about the get ourselves into. He suddenly stopped, making my head crash into his back. He did that on purpose. "This is as far as I go."

I pinched my eyebrows together. "That means me and Aura can't get in, then."

"No fun," my sister pouted, attempting to tread past this invisible barrier that was stopping the un-dead from barreling through while Elena and Ric moved in. It halted her hand in its motion, ceasing any more movement.

I suppressed a snicker at her genuinely disappointed face, moving myself to lean the weight of my hand on this undetectable glass door that was holding us captive outside what Damon was showing us. However, my body fell straight through, scuttering down the rocks, caught off-guard, believing I would've been stopped like Aura.

I quickly regained my composure, planting my two feet firmly on the ground before I knocked over Ric. Breathing out, I pushed my hair back, brushing off any embarrassment before turning to Damon and my sister calmly.

"I cannot stress this enough," I spoke softly. "What the f*ck?"

Aura held the same confusion, trying to push her hand through the forcefield. "What?-" she exhaled, flabbergasted. "How come you got through and I..." she trailed, a light bulb tinkering in her head. "You're a shapeshifter. Part wolf. I'm not."

I knew I was part wolf, but I had no idea about shapeshifter. That would mean I could shift into anything, and I'd only ever been a werewolf. That being said, I didn't exactly know the full extent of my powers, or the rest of my siblings, what with them being suppressed for so long, and my memories still not all intact.

"I thought you were, too?" I asked, more rhetorically.

"Didn't get the gene from fathers side," She said. It made sense. "Questions for another time. Focus."

Nodding absentmindedly, I faced the wall, shining my eyes at it along with Elena and Ric's torch lights. There was markings on the wall, some kind of old script symbols that, for once, I couldn't read. Chalk drawings engraved, depicting a story that I couldn't decode.

"What is all this?" Elena inquired, examining the drawings.

"Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story," Ric began, and I hummed my agreement. He was a history teacher, this was his forte. "In simple archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story," He pointed to the 3 scratched moons. "That right there is a moon cycle. A man. A wolf."

"A werewolf," Elena reiterated.

"Yeah, it's the Lockwood diaries," Damon commented. "Pictionary style."

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