Ch.19- Look at me

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Nicki really pregnant 🥺

Guys guess what ? My mental state is shit again😍🥰

So i'm bringing you this chapter from me hitting rock bottom again so if I suffer...y'all suffer 😼

Also Kirk had his reasons for snitching, even though he was a shitty dad, his families life was at risk and he'd rather front like he doesn't care about them and keep them alive than have them dead cause his enemies see that he cares about them. So he snitched so that they would be protected. Pls stop being mean, it's hurting his feelings 🥺

Um...trigger warning I guess, I feel like y'all don't care but I still have to put this ⚠️


Kirk's POV

The blood flew out of his mouth once my pistol connected with his jaw. I grabbed by his dreads and forced him to look at me, the blood stained his teeth as he smiled a sinister smile.

"You think this is funny don't you ?" I pulled up a chair and faced him.

"Yeah, I mean I'm smiling aren't I ?" He spit more blood out and laughed.

"You know what I just can't seem to wrap my head around....I just don't understand why you did it ?"

"Well honestly I wasn't going to...but I thought maybe it was time I made it clear that 1400 is the only gang and y'all were getting in the way of that. Speaking of how's Nicki doing ? She dead yet ?" My fist connected with his jaw faster than I could comprehend.

"You know what Trippie ? Or whatever your name is, why don't I show you something really fun." I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of the room and to the next one.

I'm thankful I take so much time out to workout, back in the day I would barely be able to lift him up.

I saw the light above the door was red, meaning that someone was in there so I opened it with my key card anyway.


"NOOOO! COI!!" Michael screamed in my hood, trying his best to escape my grip.

I grinned seeing Wayne and his goons had just got down doing their punishment to her. She was definitely missing a lot of fingers. She only had one left.

Her right ear was gone too...and half her foot....and all her clothes...they really did a lot of work on her.

What a shame I missed out.

"Well play boy, oh wait that's your dead homie. Um Trippie, isn't this such a beautiful sight to see, what an amazing view." I let him go and watched him run up to her, lifting her face up with his hands.

She was still alive...just barely though.

"Fuck you, what the fuck is wrong with you ? are you insane ?" Trippie ran up to me aggressively, beating on my chest. I easily toward over him, taking his weak hits like it was nothing.

I flashed a sinister smile and flicked his forehead. "I'm completely sane, whatchu mean ? Anywho, your lil boo thang is just a few inches from being dead. You bout to join her but I thought that out of the goodness of my heart...I would give you guys the opportunity to die together." I shrugged and grabbed him by the back of his neck again, dragging him to a seat next to her and strapping him down.

I grabbed his hand and put the gun in it, holding it right in case he tried something slick. "I also thought I would give you the opportunity to be the one to take the love of your life's would be so ironic that you're her lifeline and you're the same person to take it." He held his hand up to her temple.

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