Ch.12- Shut up and take my money

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I am completely buzzed, my head feels like shit on god. Sorry for this short chapter, I got y'all next time 😕

Rico's POV

I walked around the house with my blunt in my hand, everybody was out for the day except me so I took this opportunity to do what the fuck I want.

I had some of my inspirations playing, in order for me to keep up this sham then I needed to release more music. Nicki was honestly really smart for coming up with the rapper by day, thief by night idea. It really keeps the cops off our backs.

Everybody else was out in the studio or at a meeting with their label so I was left with the silence of the house.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting me from my groove. I looked through the peep hole first, seeing some guy with bleached hair and a bunch of face tats.

I opened the door finally and stared up and down. He was a bit taller that me, not enough where he was looking down on me but still enough for my eyes to look up slightly to him. He had a bunch of chains and jewelry on and he obviously had an obsession with the number 14.

"Hey pretty mama, you're...Rico right ?" His smile was bright, his grills shone in the sunlight.

"Um...yeah, who are you ?" I opened the door fully, taking  another puff of the blunt.

"I'm Trippie, I was looking for Nicki. We have to talk about some things concerning business."

"Oh well she's not here right now, do you want me to leave a message or something?"

"Nah, it's cool. Just tell her I was here and she should call me." His eyes moved down to the marijuana in my hand.

"You know, I fuck with your music a lot. Your style and shit, it all go hard as fuck. You tryna match ? I got a bunch of weed on me." If this was his way of making moves on me, it was certainly...different.

"Nah, I'm good. Maybe next time."

"Aight cool cool, hit me up if you tryna dye your hair or some shit. I heard you like that wild shit." He smiles at me one more time before holding up a peace sign and finally leaving.

That was a...weird encounter, shit felt like GTA.

Onika's POV

I walked out of my car with the painting in a portfolio. Rico has given me the address to the dealer so I decided I would go alone. Of course I had my nina with me in case shit went south, I would never go anywhere without my protection.

I knocked on the door, it was a pretty nice house, mine was better though but it was still pretty cute. The door opened and a lady answered, I assumed she worked here, she didn't look like she would live here.

"Hi, I'm here to see BK." The woman smiled and moved to the side to let me in. The interior was decorated beautifully, with lion statues in most corners. Many famous paintings coated the walls, I could see why he needed this one.

The woman led me to an office in the back of the house and knocked on the door. A light next to the door flashed green and the woman opened the door. I definitely need to get that light switch, those rats who infest my home always want to come in and out of my office.

"Ms, there is someone here to see you." I looked down at the lady next to me, I thought I was meeting a man.

The chair swiveled and I was met with the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey Onigga." Beyoncé smirked, getting up from her desk and walking slowly over to me.

I don't know why I didn't connect the dots sooner, of course BK was Beyoncé Knowles. I don't think I've ever been this slow before.

"Don't call me that. Did you do this on purpose ?" I held my hand out, stopping her from giving me a hug. I truly did despise her, whether it was over petty beef or not, I always hold a grudge.

"Maybe, Maybe not. I needed the Mona Lisa to complete my collection and I also know that you're hard headed ass would want to deliver it alone."

"Well here you go, I'll be on my way now." I shoved the portfolio in her hands and turned to open the door but I couldn't open it, the light next to the door was now a bright red. Of course she locked it.

"Giselle what do you want ? Damn." She smiled that dumb ass smile again and took my hands, pulling me to sit down in a chair.

"Nicki, I want another chance." My eyes damn bear popped out of my socket.

"Chile anyways, where's my baby Blue ?"

"She's at her father's house for the weekend, but Nicki can you please just take me serious ? Let me take you out, can you at least let me do that ?" She held both my hands in hers and gave me that look that she knew I could never say no to.

Beyoncé has always been a charming woman, I remember when my label told me to meet up with her so we could collaborate. During the entire meeting she was giving me bedroom eyes and I was able to play hard to get but it didn't last for long.

"Fine, you're paying though."

"Of course, I hope I can change your-"

"Aht Aht, you can save all that sweet talk for dinner. I don't wanna hear your little lies. Give me my money so I can leave." My hands held a bag open, waiting to receive my payment.

She sighed, and walked over to her desk. She dropped $500K inside. "Nice doing business with you." I flashed her a smile and left the room.

My shades were back on my eyes as soon as I opened the front door.

As soon as I was in my car I tossed the money in the passengers seat and took a moment to finally breath. I'd realized two things from this encounter:

-As soon as I get home, I'm going to beat the shit out of Rico and throw her weed away for sending me to this woman's house.

-Seeing Beyoncé again felt...good

Dinner with her was going to be interesting and I don't know if I'm prepared for that.


How y'all feel about Nic and Bey ?

How y'all feel about Trippie and Rico 🌚

Sorry to all my Kirk and Nicki stans 💀

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