Ch.3- AM to the PM

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Ryan's POV

I jolted form my sleep once I heard the harsh knocking on my door, I looked to my left to see the clock that read 5:00 which means I have enough time to shower and get down to the gym by 6 on the dot.

The knocking continued until I yelled I was awake. There was silence again until I heard the clacking of her heels receding from the door. I slowly got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I certainly did not miss the training aspect of heists, especially now that I not only have to train myself but also train the new kid.


I knocked on her door then backed up a bit while I waited. I scrolled through my gym playlist, deciding I would just add and delete a few songs.

"Oh hey Ryan, Is it time to train already."

"Yeah, so just-" She had an XL football jersey on and I could tell that was probably all she was wearing. When she lifted her arm up to stretch her jersey rose up and my eyes were already glued to her thighs.

I cleared my throat and brought my attention back to my phone. "Um yeah, just shower and get dressed then I'll take you there" She nodded and made space for me to walk in.

"You can just wait on the bed for me, I'll be out soon." She walked into her bathroom and then I heard the shower running.

Minutes passed and all I could do was fidget while I waited until I heard my name from the bathroom.

"Um...yeah ?"

"Can you get my towel for me ? I left it on the loveseat." Once I got the towel I walked up to the bathroom door and took a short breath before walking in.

As soon as I walked in I noticed how the steam from the shower stained the mirror. The silhouette of her body stood out in the frosted glass doors on the shower.

She was singing Cookie Jar and I had to admit she sounded good but I had to put a stop to my slight creepiness.

"Hey, uh here you go." She immediately stopped singing and stuck her hand out until I handed her the towel.


Normani counted softly under her breath every time she came up. I held her feet as she did her 15th sit up.

"You know that song you were singing in the shower...Doja sang it." I nodded my head in Doja's direction.

"Really ? How does she balance all that ?" I could only shrug, I honestly didn't know how they did.

"Everyone here has something else they do to take their mind off what we do. Pretty much everyone else does music, so they can express themselves, get their feelings out you know ?" Normani nodded but I could tell she had something on her mind.

"Say what you wanna say."

"Um...did Symere make music ?" She finally asked.

"Yeah...he did. He made rap music, maybe some time we can go to the studio and you can hear it." I flashed a soft smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that." And there it was again. That weird thing she did when she kept strong eye contact with me.

"Uh, lets go work on something else." I got up and helped her up.

As we walked over to the punching bag we walked by Kirk spotting Roddy while he did his bench presses. Even though he knew fully well Normani wasn't straight he still relentlessly tried. As soon as he saw us walking by he started flexing and picked up a dumbbell, flexing his pecs as he lifted them.

"Kirk...JONATHAN" Roddy chocked out as he tried and struggled to lift the weight.

"Damn, my bad." He rushed to put the weight back on the rack.

"Fuck you." Normani and I laughed at the sight of Roddy storming off.

"Y'all ain't see that." Jonathan pleaded before running after him.

Normani had wrapped up her hand by now and once she'd put her hair up, she went straight to punching.

"So what exactly are you're assets ?" I held the bag while she shot uppercuts to it.

"Um, I'm flexible. I've done gymnastics since I was a kid so i'm fit and can do flips and shit so I guess you can say I can fit in small things like vents and stuff." She shrugged before doing a right hook.

"Wait how old are you ?"

"23, you ?" She stopped and looked at me again.

"25, wow you really are a kid." I chuckled when she groaned and punched more aggressively.

"Alright kiddos, lets go to the meeting room and go over everyone's roles and what they need to get for it." Nicki made her appearance at the door of the gym, wearing her signature smirk.

Everyone grabbed their water bottles and followed behind her to the next room. I sat around the front, smiling slightly when I saw Normani from the corner of my eye sit in the seat next to me.

"How often does this happen." I slightly shivered from her warm breath whispering in my ear. I bit my lip as I shook my head no. My foot tapped rapidly while I waited for Nicki to finally start.

"Alright children-"

"We're literally all over the age of 19." Rico butted.

"Aht Aht, shush chile. Anyway this week...we're gonna get our supplies. Obviously to carry this out, we need masks so Rico and Doja you guys are in charge of that." Rico and Doja shared a high-five.

"Now we of course need a getaway car and Billie you're in charge of that. The auction is hosting events before the actual official auction so I want you to go to one of the events and find a way we can get away with the cars, all the ins and outs, Roddy you can help her if she needs it." Billie and Roddy did their secret handshake and ended with a yodel.

"Alrighty, we need weapons but to be exact knockout grenades, fill them with chloroform for all I care but it can't be lethal so Johnny that's your job." He stuck a thumbs up barely paying attention since he was too busy texting people in his phone, probably his hoes.

"Rodrick, get started on the gadgets, any and everything we could possibly need for all three sections of this heist. Make me proud like you always do"

"You got it." Roddy winked at her. No one has ever doubted him, he's never messed up or been wrong, he definitely knows what he's doing.

"And last but not least, my partner in crime, Ryan." She smiled admiringly at me and all I could do was blush.

"I need you and Normani to go to the Wells Fargo and survey the area, look at all the exits and entrances and all the vents. Look for every single in and out. Talk to the workers, Ryan you know the drill." I nodded with a smirk. I looked over at Normani to see she looked pretty confident in herself.

"Any questions ?" Normani raised her hand slowly until Nicki looked in her direction.

" exactly is it that we're gonna carry all this out ? The Louvre is in Paris and the auction and wells fargo are here in LA."

"I knew I liked you for a reason." Nicki pointed at Normani.

"Rico do you car to explain ?"

"Yes I do. So I know this guy who knows a guy that does good counterfeit art and shit so before we go to Paris we're gonna pick it up from him and then get the fuck outta here. After we 'borrow' the mona lisa we're gonna exchange it with this dealer for a bunch of cash once we get back here and we'll steal the cars during the auction then we'll get the money from Wells Fargo and use the cars from the auction as our getaways." Rico explained ecstatically.

"I hope you guys are ready because everyone is getting the supplies tomorrow, I don't want to see anybody in this house until they get their shit, with the exception of Rodrick." Everyone understood what to do and where to go from here, we were ready to get this done and over with.

"Meeting adjourned."

Next chapter will be from multiple POV's so get ready for a slightly long chapter.

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