Ch.10- Robbery

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I know i'm late but happy pride month 🌈

Imma need y'all to SPEAK this chapter 🗣

Kirk's POV

We were all in the van parked across the street from the Louvre. Nicki had decided to change the plan and only have Ryan, Normani and Doja going in as guards and have me follow them as protection just in case it goes left.

"You guys have your ear pieces right ?" We all nodded, showing our devices to Rodrick.

"Okay everyone, let's just pray real quick." Nicki held my hand and Ryan's hand and the rest of the group connected.

"Lord Jesus, please protect. We might be doing something a bit illegal but that's not the important thing right now. I ask you protect my team as we risk our lives. Amen."

"Amen." We repeated. I put on my mask and passed the fake guard ID's to the girls. I opened the back door to the van and helped them get down.

"Aye y'all better be fucking careful, I don't want to have to use these." I pointed to my grenades and my gun.

They brushed me off with confidence and walked into the museum showing the guards the ID's.

I circled the glass and found the security office. I took the lighter out of my utility belt and melted the edges of the glass then grabbed a suction tool and quietly took the glass off. I secured my grappling hook to the edge and dropped slowly down with the replica in hand, to the floor of the office.

The guard was eating a donut, setting up some porn on his laptop and unfastening his belt. I stalked up to him slowly then quickly held him in a choke hold. It was definitely a struggle, as soon as I touched him he was out of his seat and trying to punch me with his elbow. He clawed at me and hit my hands but they were covered with gloves and thick clothing so it was no use.

After 15 seconds he was finally knocked out. I dragged him and put him back in his chair. He'll wake up whenever he wakes up and think he just dozed off. I unlatched my hook and walked up to the monitors.

"Hey 8-Ball, I took out the guard. Disable the cameras." I spoke through my ear piece.

"Already done, I still have access to the cameras so i'll guide you if i see any guards coming your way." He responded.

I walked out of the office as he guided me to where the girls were. I watched them from a distance, ready in case anything happened.

Ryan's POV

I circulated from my spot once I realized there wasn't anyone near by. I signaled for Normani and Doja to follow me. We walked collectively towards the painting, staring at the enclosed area.

"So how exactly are we gonna do this shit ?" Doja whispered.

"Well I don't know, I'm looking at the same shit as you do how could I possibly know ?" I countered bitterly, looking around for a way to get the painting. We probably should've talked about this a bit more when we cased the museum.

I climbed over the barrier and Mani and Doja followed after me. "Maybe it's electronically activated." I muttered to myself, touching the glass.

"Roddy, do you think you can somehow hack into the protective glass." Normani spoke with her finger on her ear piece.

Seconds later the glass started to rise until the painting was exposed to us.

Doja was about to reach for it but I smacked her hands away and shoved her aside.

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