Ch.11- You're a little crazy, don't you think ?

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Let's get into some things chile...

The things experienced in this chapter may or may not have been things that I feel or have done 🌚

Y'all wanna try and guess what Ryan's mental disorder/illness is ? ('s not anything depression based 🌚)

March 5th 2012
Ryan's POV

I popped the last brownie in my hand and sucked the chocolate off my fingers. Looking at the rest of my friends faces, they all seemed shocked for some reason.

"What ? Take a picture, it'll last longer." I hopped off the bathroom counter and faced myself in the mirror. It's no surprise i'm sexy as can be, everyone wishes they could look as good as me.

"Well Ryan...I don't think you should've taken that much. You ate like three brownies and school just started, you're gonna be high out of your mind. You've been doing this for like 3 months now, I'm getting worried."

"Well you don't see me judging you when you sniff a shit ton of cocaine now do you, Demetria ? Besides it's just for the thrill, Demi. I'll be fine." The look off embarrassment that washed over her face was powerful to me, next time she won't make the dumb decision of thinking she can tell me what to do.

"Don't be pathetic, I didn't even mean it that way. You guys know I love you." I cringed at the words coming out of my mouth, I wanted nothing to do with these airheads, they were nothing to me but beneficial gain. They were objects to say the least, or pets if you will, and I had to keep them fed to get what I want. I looped my arm around hers and Kylie's.

I walked us into class, sitting us right in the back where no one could bother us but more specifically me. The door to the classroom opened shortly and a girl came in crying her eyes out. Everyone had gotten up and swarmed around her, engulfing her with hugs and questions but I stayed in my seat.

What exactly am I supposed to do ?

It was beginning to become obvious to me that I had to do something normal. There was nothing in my heart pulling me to act like I cared about why she was crying, for gods sake I don't even know her name.

"You've practiced this a bunch of times, you can do it." I whispered to myself, letting out a soft laugh at how pathetic she looked before I put the figurative mask on.

I walked up to the small crowd and put on a "caring" face as I looked at her just like everyone else was, they all had a sad face so I tried my best to mimic it.

"What happened ?" One of the girls in the class asked.

"My grandma just died this morning." She let out another sob, covering her mouth.

"Oh my god, wasn't she 98 ?" She nodded, crying even more. I will never understand why people cry in public, or even in general, it's such a vulnerability. How could you let other people see you at you're weakest point ? It's so pathetic.

"It's not even that serious." The words accidentally slipped out of my mouth, I was keeping my act up so well until now. I just had to ruin it.

"What'd you say ?" She looked up at me with her red, teary eyes.

Although it wasn't meant to be said out loud, I meant every word. "You heard me, it's not that serious. People die everyday and it was bound to happen, i'm surprised the hag even lasted that long. She should've expired years ago." The girl was getting heated with every word I said.

"You wanna say that again, monkey ?" She was dashing towards me with her fist in the air, I swear it's always the white girls that wanna test me.

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