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Nadia's pov.

"No you're the best!"

"No you're the best!"

"But I love you more!"

"Not possible I-"

"Oh my God! Shut the fuck up! No one cares how much you love each other or who's the best cause you both suck ass." I say as I stand up from the couch and walk into the other room.

Jesus it's freaking annoying that One Direction invited Austin and Kealy to our next destination which happens to be Mexico. Damn it's so freaking hot here too.

"Chill Nad, just ignore them." Kota says.

"Oh just like she's ignoring Luke and everyone else for that matter." Cas adds.

"You have no say in who I ignore ok, you don't know anything!" I tell her.

"I know more than you think." Cas mumbles.

I roll my eyes and sit down on the bed. I wish I never came on this trip now that I think about it.

"Why is it so damn hot." I say frustrated.

"Because it's Mexico Nadia and Mexico is hot honey." Kota tells me as she sits down next to me.

I sigh and look at her.

"I don't want to be here." I mumble.

"Do you want to go to the beach?" She asks me.

I sit up and smile.

"Yea the beach, let's go to the beach!"

"And we can flirt with hot Mexican boys!" Kota says happily.

"I swear boys and makeup are all you care about." Cas says.

"Not true. I care about you, and Nadia and.... Yea that's about it." Kota replies as she takes out a white two piece.

"What a miracle, the heartless bitch actually has a heart."

"Ok, ok." I say interrupting them.

They both turn to me.

"But what am I warring?" I ask.

"How about this one?" Cas asks while holding up a red one piece with the sides cut out.

"Perfect! It'll show off your body perfectly." Kota praises.

"Hey guys! Are you girls planning on going out to the beach?" Kealy says as she stands behind us.

"Yea, but you can't come." Kota replies quickly.

Her smile falters but she quickly recovers by smiling again.

"I didn't ask if I could come... But that's ok." She says before walking out of the room.

I watch her leave and for some odd reason I kind of feel like... Sorry for her.

Whoah Nadia take a step back and re-evaluate your emotions right now because you are not telling your self that you actually felt for that girl!


"Hu, what?"

"Let's go." Cas says while taking my hand.

Kealy's pov.

I quickly walked back to the room that me and Austin are staying in. I open the door to find Austin sleeping.

I smile to myself, feeling a bit less sad. Austin always new how to make me happy, at first I took him for granted but then I did finally realize how much I needed him in my life.

Too Late (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora