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Nadia's pov.

"You did what?"

"With Nadia?"

"Damn Luke."

"Look at those scratches!"

"Was she any good?"

"Ok stop! I'm not going to tell you guys anything else." I  hear Luke say.

"Jesus Luke calm down, we're just messing with you." I hear  Michael say while snickering.

"Where's Cal?" Ashton asks suddenly.

"He's in his room, he feels akward with the whole him sleeping with Kealy when Luke and her were together." Michael explains.

"Speaking of Kealy.....she's here." Luke says slowly.

It's quiet for a moment before Ashton speaks.

"And....are we talking to her? Do we hate her what's the plan?"

I didn't mean to over hear their conversation, I just heard my name and they're talking  about me then I'd like to know what they're saying.

"Do what you want, she's with Austin Mahone now." Luke says, a little disappointment could be heard in his tone of voice.

"Wait! Nadia's cousin is here? Austin Mahone is here!" Ashton says as I hear his chair scraping the ground.

Oh shit, time for me to go.

"Wait, you new he was her cousin!" Luke yells.

I make a dash for it because I didn't want the boys to know that I was snooping.

"Oh hey Nadia, where you going?" Ashton asks all bubbly like.

I squeez my eyes shut because I was kind of hopeing that I wouldn't get caught, well I didn't get caught but I also didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Hey Ashton!" I say turning around and putting on a fake smile.

I'm good at doing those.

I mean, it's not that I don't like Ashton but....sometimes he's way to happy and loud and how does he do that all the time like doesn't he get tired of pretending to be happy?

....Maybe because he isn't pretending and he'actually likes his life Nadia, not everyone hates their life.

"Nadia, I feel like we haven't spoken in forever." Michael says coming out from behind Ashton.

"Yea well... my friend kind of hates you so..." I tell him while shrugging my shoulders.

"Right, right.....right." He says as he stands still and looks at the ground.

"I have-

"So you and Luke huh." Mikey says while smirking.

"It's about time am I right." Ashton says while smiling.

They stop with the facial expressions when they don't see the reaction from me that they expected.

"No", I say as I shake my head, " we aren't together."

"But you had se-

"Just because I had drunken sex with your friend doesn't mean a thing, Luke and I...yea no we're not a thing."

Luke's pov.

"Just because I had drunken sex with your friend doesn't mean a thing, Luke and I...yea no we're not a thing."


I kind of wish I hadn't stayed when I heard Ashton say Nadia's name, but when I heard her name my...like I got this fluttering feeling in my chest and I couldn't move from my spot behind this door.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bring it up." Ashton says akwardly.

I can tell Mike and Ash feel akward, after I just told them that I had sex with Nadia and that I......remember it and...I liked it, they probably must be thinking something else. It hurts to know that Nadia feels this way about me, she sounds hurt, angry and.....hurt, like really hurt.

"So...." I hear Mikey say.

"So I'm going to leave now, you two seem uncomfortable and Luke you don't have to hide behind that door." She says as I hear her walk away untill she's finally gone.

"She's gone Luke!" Michael yells.

I creep out from behind the door and sigh.

Damn, how'd she know I was behind the door?

"So, I'm just wondering..." Ash says, "are you still going to talk to Cal?" He questions.

I turn to him, not knowing how to answer his question.

"I don't know." I say truthfully.

I don't even know how I'm going to do it knowing there are two girls that I have had sexual contact with near me.... Damn Luke, since when did you become a stud muffin.

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