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Nadia's pov.

Damn, I didn't even get to eat! I'm so hungry.

We've been in this mother freaking studio for hours now.

"Ugh!" I groan.

"What is it this time?" Liam asks.

"I'm hungry! Please some one make me a sandwich." I say.

"I forgot how much you eat." Michael says to me.

"And I forgot how good of a singer you guys are, I can't believe you're band actually made it." I tell them.

"Did you not think we were going somewhere?" Calum asks.

"No it's not that, it's just that you don't see a lot of bands that normal people create making it in the music world." I say.

"Wait you think we're good singers." Luke says acting like he hasn't been giving me the cold shoulder all damn day.

I don't acknowledge his existence because two can play at this game.

"Hello boys." Uncle Simon says walking in.

"Hazel." He says naturally while looking at his phone, a small nod coming my way.

My eyes go wide and I start to panic. Did the boys catch that small gesture? 

Holy shit he called me by my real name!

"Um who's Hazel?" Zayn asks.

Simon stops in his tracks and looks up baffled.

"Uh..um...Hazel is this new temp that I was just with, she was horrible."

"Oh, ok." All the boys say in unison.

"Hello Nadia, hope the boys are treating you right." Simon says.

"Yea some of them are alright." I say making sure Luke sees me staring at him as I say it.

"Some? Oh well I hope who ever they are changes there mind about you." Simon says putting his brief case on the table and opening it.

"So boys, I'm sure you have every thing you need for the concert under control. I have hired a few more guards and don't worry Paul will return tomorrow night from his vacation." Simon says smiling at every one.

"I miss Paul." Liam says.

"Yea me to, he was always so much fun to mess with." Louis says smirking.

"Also, I-

"Um Mr. Cowell, there's a phone call for a you." The secretary I saw when I entered the room says holding a phone in her hand.

"Excuse me for a few minutes." Simon says exiting the room.

"I have to use the restroom." Luke says exiting the room as well.

I roll my eyes as he passes me and go to grab my phone.

"Where's my phone?" I ask out loud.

"Who's Austin?" I hear Calum say behind me.

"Give me that." I say snatching my phone from him.

"Nadia, I have a question for you." Zayn says to me.

"Shoot." I tell him.

"How is Austin Mahone part of you're family if Simon Cowell is you're uncle." Zayn says turning to me in his chair.

"Simple, Austin has been part of my life for so long that he's piratically a part of my family." I tell him.

"That makes sense." Harry says.

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