Chapter 37

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I've been texting Finn all day and he's actually a really cool person and likes to travel a lot. He's also really down to earth and has a very active life along with Jack. I've also been texting the other guys because Alfie put us all in a group chat so that we can all converse together.

I laugh at my screen again to a lame joke that Casper just mentioned. He knows a lot of lame pun jokes but some of them are kind of funny.

Luke looks at me for the tenth time, I know he's most likely getting annoyed but these guys are so funny and talk about the most random shit ever.

"Who are you talking to?" He asks me.

"Some guys." I answer quickly.

"You're talking to other guys after we just had sex." Luke states.

"Yea sounds about right." I mumble.

I hear him scoff as he gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom naked.

"Nice ass!" I call out.

"Fuck you." I hear Luke say.

"Already did but ok." I reply back.

I fix my eyes on my screen and see that the guys are talking about some masquerade ball. I ask about this ball and they reply with "oh it's a fundraiser type thing" "we're raising money for the Flint Water thing, you know cause there water isn't drinkable" "oh and we're aiming for the wealthy doctors, politicians, Celebrities, entrepreneurs" "you know people with cash so that we can raise lots of money to provide water for the people in Flint" "It was Finn's idea we're just helping him organize it" Casper writes lastly.

Hazel- Finn that's amazing! Wow I've never met someone so humble.

Finn- Thanks Hazel! And it's nothing, I love helping people.

Alfie- Hey has everyone got their date already???

Marcus- I think so...

Jack- Everyone except Finn.

Casper- Why don't you ask Hazel to be your date. Unless you have a boyfriend or something Hazel...

Alfie- Do you have a boyfriend Hazel???

Hazel- Um yea, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if Finn wanted me to go.

Finn- Yea of course I want you to come! So you wouldn't mind being my date?

Jack- Wow Finn that was fast, you fast typer.

Casper- Yea bro you literally wrote that a second after she sent her message.

Finn- I get it guys....I type fast.

Hazel- Um ok then...see you later. Um when is this ball?

Marcus- Saturday @ 10, Finn will send u the details.

I turn my phone off and get off the bed to get dressed for the day. So this ball is tomorrow night, that gives me plenty of time to find a fancy dress for a ball. (note the sarcasm). I call my stylist Lexi to see if she would go shopping with me tomorrow early in the morning to find a dress, also I have to see what Finn is warring so that I could match with him.

When Luke comes down stairs he finds me sitting on the couch flipping through channels.

"Hey babe." I say as he flops down next to me.

"Hey baby." He replies back as he pulls me towards him.

"Luke, hypotheticaly speaking if someone was to ask me to be their date to a fundraiser ball and I went would you mind?" I ask him.

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