Chapter 33

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Hazel's pov.

Niall's face was pale, well he was already pale before but for some reason his face looked even whiter.

"In the lungs? Is he ok?" Niall asks me.

"Yea, but he'll need to have a kidney transplant..."

Niall looks up at me after those words came out of my mouth. His eyes wide, mouth slightly open. Niall and Luke did bond together more often lately so I understand if he's worried about Luke because I am too.

"I'll give him mine!" Niall yells loudly.

I give him a confused face. He can't just say stuff like that, Niall has to think this through because giving your kidney to someone else is a big deal.

"Niall you can't do that. We have to think about those kind of decisions."

"Yes I can, nurse! Nurse! Nurse!" Niall yells while looking for the remote thing that has a button on it to grab the attention of a nurse up front.


Two nurses come running in, they're eyes land on us.

"I want to donate one of my lungs, to my friend Luke Hemmings." Niall says quickly.

"Niall you can't, it has to be a healthy lung." I tell him.

"I have healthy lungs!"

"Not with all the beer you drink-"

"You can't Mr. Horan." One of the nurse says.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Your blood is not compatible to his, plus you do have a strong amount of alcohol in your system." The nurse explains.

I turn to look at him. How does he have alcohol in his system? He was performing at a concert this whole time, unless...

"Niall did you go on stage drunk?" I ask him.

"No! What of course not! I would never! What type of person do you take me as." Niall tells me.

I just stare at him carefully.

"...I was a bit tipsy though..."

"Niall!" I scold while glaring at him.

"You can't just go out on stage tipsy you could have fallen off stage or you could have done something stupid and what would your fans think if they knew you were intoxicated while performing."

He doesn't say anything after that, Niall just sits there with his arms crossed looking at his bed sheets. I sigh out loud and sit on a chair as nurses come in and out to check up on Niall here and there.

"I'm sorry." Niall says after a while.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I tell him.

"I just feel like this is all my fault for some reason." He explains.

"Niall, you had no idea that my father was going to be there, you had no idea that this was going to happen, you couldn't have stopped anything." I say to him.

Niall just nods his head and lays back down, it's quiet for a while till.


It is said to be a Psychological fact that if a tear falls from your left eye it is out of pain and sorrow and the tears from your right eye are out of happiness and joy...but in some cases the tears may fall at the same time.

Someone knocks on the door and Michael's head pops into the room.

"What's up?" I ask getting up from my chair.

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