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I look at Luke as he waits for me to answer...like um no I'm not gonna answer.

"Why do you hate me?" He asks.

"Ugh! Why do you ask so many questions!" I yell.

"I only asked two..."

"Yea Luke that's a lot." I tell him.

"Just tell me why you dislike me so much!"

"Maybe I don't want to." I mumble.

"I didn't even do anything yet you hate me."

Didn't do any thing? Bitch you did lots of things!

"You sided with her."

"What?" He asks me.

"Mhh, nothing, no um never mind." I say second guessing myself.

"Who's her?" Luke asks.

"I don't want to tell you." I tell him.

What if he doesn't believe me like last time...

"You can trust me Nadia."

Ha, I've heard that one before.

I look up and stare into his beautiful blue eyes, the same blue eyes that I befriended, the same blue eyes that I grew to like, the same blue eyes that I fell in love with.

I shake my head no.

"But I can't." I whisper.

Cas's pov.

"I can't find Luke any where."

"Same with Nadia, I can't seem to find her." I tell Calum.

Where could they be?

Are they together?

"Also we can't practice without Luke." Ashton says while sitting down.

"Thank you captain obvious." I sarcastically say to him.

"You're welcome Sargent stupid."

I glare at him and he winks at me.

"We should split up." Niall suggest.

"Great idea Niall, how about you, Liam, Harry and Louis sick together while Calum, Kota, Michael and Zayn go as a group then Cas and I can be another group." Ashton suggested.

"Ok um, did you forget that my sister hates you?" Kota asked Ashton.

You see me and Kota have a weird sisterly relationship. We can be angry at each other but still have each others backs while still being angry at each other.

"She still hasn't forgiven you for what you did to her, you're not going anywhere near my sister." Kota says while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why?" Ashton asks.

Kota scoffs and glares at him.

"Because you cheated on her, duh."

"Takes a cheater to know a cheater..." We hear Michael mumble.

I give him a questioning look.

Kota never cheated on any one?

Kota looks at Michael.

"But Michael, I never cheated." She says softly

Nadia's pov.

"Kealy? I thought we were done with her. She told me everything Nadia, I know the truth." Luke says.

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