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Nadia's pov.

"Luke I-" Calum tries to say something but is cut off.

"You were supposed to be my friend! Instead you screw me over?"

"It was a mistake!" Calum yells.

"And you, you knew this whole time yet you didn't say anything!" Luke yells at me.

"Why are you yelling at me? I'm not the one who fucked your at the time girlfriend." I retort.

"You were supposed to be my best friend!"

"And you were supposed to be mine!" I yell back.

Luke stays quiet as he looks at the floor, he has this look that says "oh yea I forgot about leaving you back there."

"You need to step back and re-evaluate your self because I'm done talking to you." I tell him as I walk away and take Niall with me.

I walk out onto the stage and let go of Niall's hand and take a deep breath in.

"What was that about?" He asks me.

"Nothing." I mumble.

"Well who's Kealy?" He asks me.

"...Kealy is Luke's ex-girlfriend." I mumble.

"And you didn't like her I'm assuming."

"Like her? I hated that bitch." I confess.

"Because you like Luke."

"What?" I question.

"You hated Luke's ex-girlfriend because you like Luke." Niall explains.

"No I-

"Like him, I should say love him. Nadia I see the way you look at him from time to time, sometimes I catch you staring at him with this look in your eyes...and then sometimes that look turns into hate and I see that often."

I didn't even know I stared at Luke so often, and it's true...I do look at Luke and wish that I didn't hate him becuase I kind of maybe sorta might actually love him still.

"I also see the way he looks at you." NIall says smirking at me.

I look at him confused.

"Luke doesn't stare at me."

"Yes he does. A lot actually, it's kind of cute how much he pretends to not like you when it's clear that he does."

"Wait, just stop. Why are you telling me this?" I ask Niall.

"Because everyone deserves a chance at love and you and Luke seem to have some history with each other and also I always get some weird vibes when you're in the same room."

"But I don't even want to be his friend right now let alone talk to him."

"I have a feeling that if you two just talk it out you'll find out that maybe you guys just have some miscomunication."

"When did you get so wise?" I ask him.

"PPSSHHH! I was always wise what are you talking about." Niall says while laughing.

I laugh as well because his laugh is so contagious and bubbly like you can't not laugh when he is laughing.

"Thank you Niall." I say after we're done laughing.

"For what?" He asks me.

I turn to look at him and he's already staring at me.

"For making me feel better... and because you're like the brother I never had." I confess.

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