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Michael's pov.

Hey Mikey, it's Kota...again, why won't you answer any of my texts? Did I do something wrong? I don't understand why you won't talk to me anymore...please call me back, bye.

I let a tear slide down my face as I hear another one of Kota's voice mails.

Why doesn't she just stop calling me if she doesn't even care about our relationship anymore? Maybe I should call her back?

I look at my phone and contemplate on whether I should or shouldn't. Finally I just throw my phone onto my bed and go back under the covers.

Why'd she do it? She said she loved me.

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling as I sigh. I've been up since 5 in the morning because I can't sleep knowing the girl I loved most in the world is going to be spending a full year with me.


"Mikey!" I hear pounding on my door.

"Michael open up!"

It's Ashton.

I get up and open the door.

"You ready?" He asks me.

I nod my head and sigh again.

"Cheer up mate, you'll find someone else that's just like her, someone better then her." He says trying to cheer me up.

But he can't because I don't want someone better then her or someone just like her, I want her. Even though she cheated on me I never fully fell out of love with her, in fact I think fell more in love with her; that sounds so messed up. I grabbed my stuff and brought it down stairs to the bus.

"I'm so pumped for this tour!" Calum says excitedly.

"Yea man, I can't wait to bang on some drums." Ashton says while banging on invisible drums.

"Where's Luke?" I ask.

"He's inside the bus, in his bunk already oh and the back room is for the girls by the way." Calum informs me.

The girls.

"I hate this tour already." I mumble.

"Off to the airport!" Calum yells.

Nadia's pov.

"Oh my fucking gosh Louis did you touch my laptop." I say walking up to the tall kid.

"No..." He says slowly.

"Then why is the word penis typed out in my Google search bar!" I yell.

"Harry made me do it!" Louis yells as he hides behind Zayn.

"What!" Harry yells.

I turn to him and glare.

"He's lying! He- I- way to sell me out friend." Harry mutters.

"My laptop is off limits to all of y'all do you understand me." I announce to all the boys.

"What about Cas and Kota?" Niall asks.

"They can use it when ever they want."

"What about me?" Zayn asks.

Mhhhh, I kinda like Zayn.

"Ok you can use it, you too Liam I like you." I tell them.

"Uh! What about me!" Niall whines

"What about you?" I ask.

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