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Louis pov.

"Do you think they..."

"They what?" I ask as Harry stops mid sentence.

"You know, did the frickel frack."

"Harry what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"No, I don't think so. They seemed to have more of a brother/sister kind of bond thing going on, plus they're not naked" Liam says.

"I agree with Liam." Zayn says from next to me.

"Thanks Zayn." Liam mutter's.

"Well I don't know about you but-

"They look cute cuddling though." Harry says cutting me off.

Why do I feel like something's not right?

"Hey guys have you seen-...Niall." Ashton says as he enters the room and his eyes land on the two sleeping bodies on the bed.

"Huh, interesting." He says slowly.

"What's interesting- oh." Michael says stopping next to Ashton.

"Where is everybody?" We hear Luke say.

"Oh shit we can't let Luke see this!" Michael says frantically.

"Not in Niall's room that's for sure." Calum says loudly.

"Oh my fucking gosh Calum." Ashton says face palming himself.

We hear foot steps coming closer.

"Well this will be a nice morning." Ashton mutter's.

"Hey guys." We turn around and face Luke and a wide eyed Calum.

"Wait why can't we let Luke see this?" Harry asks out loud.

"See what?" Luke asks.

"What no Nadia is not sleeping in Niall's bed!" Michael says loudly.

"Michael! Ugh! Seriously man!" Ashton says while closing his eyes.

"What?" Luke says as he walks around us.

"Oh." Is all he says when he sees what Michael was talking about.

Luke's pov.

"Oh." I say softly when my eyes land on Nadia's and Niall's sleeping bodies.

So they slept in the same bed...together.

"Luke. Luke!" I hear my name being called and I open my eyes to see Nadia standing by my bed.

"What's up babe?" I ask her while rubbing my eyes.

"I can't sleep, it's to cold." She says, rubbing her arms.

I smile at her and scoot over patting the space beside me. Nadia smiles at me and slips in so that she's right next to me.

"You're the best friend a girl could ever have Luke." She says while nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck.

Holding her in my arms felt so natural to me, we fit perfect and I loved it. I could stay like this forever, her hair smelt like her strawberry shampoo, it's her favorite. I hold her close to my body so that she's warm, at least that's what I tell myself.

"Yea, we are best friends." I whisper to her.
I look away and find the floor really rad for some reason.

Louis pov.

"Well wake them up, we have to go to the studio today." Zayn whispers to me.

"Or nah, I'm not waking up Nadia." I say.

"Well I'm not waking her up." Zayn says stepping back.

"I volunteer Liam to wake up Nadia!" Harry says smiling at Liam.

"No that's not fair!" Liam whines.

"I'll wake her up." Calum says walking over to Nadia and grabbing her arm.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I say trying to get Calum away from her.

"Why?" He asks.

"Calum step away from the girl." Liam says.

Calum just gives us a weird look and proceeds with his unwise actions.

"Nadia wake u-Ahh!"

"Who the fuck woke me up!" Nadia yells with her eyes closed.

"Me." Calum says from the floor awhile covering his balls.

"I told you not to but did you listen? No of course you didn't." I say to Calum.

"Oh my god Calum!" Nadia says quickly trying to get up.

"Niall get the hell off me." Nadia says pushing the covers off of her

When Niall doesn't move she tries to remove herself from him but fails.

"Niall. Niall... Niall!" She yells pushing him off the bed.

Niall lands on the floor with a thud.

"Ow." He moans.

Nadia gets up and goes over to Calum.

"Are you ok Calum?" She asks.

"No." He says, his voice muffled by the ground.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." She says rubbing his back.

"It's fine, really." Calum mutter's.

"No it's not, I know hard I hit. It hurts a lot doesn't it." Nadia says

"Damn you have one helluva arm." Calum says confirming what Nadia had said.

"Yea ok, take him down stairs grab him a pack of ice and lay him down on his stomach." Nadia instructs.

Harry and Zayn grab Calum while every one else shuffles out. Except for me and Luke.

"Thanks for pushing me off the bed Nad." Niall says smiling at her.

"Nad?" Luke whispers just loud enough so that I caught it.

"I'm sorry Ireland, but I hit Cal in his balls I had to get you off of me some how."

"You guys are sooo cute." I say.

They both look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Niall says while chuckling.

"Oh hey Luke." Niall says passing the tall blonde boy.

Luke doesn't say anything he just stares at Nadia. Nadia stares at Luke as well, the tension between them is so thick you could cut it with a knife. If Nadia was feeling anything you couldn't tell, her face is as blank as a paper. How ever when I looked at Luke his eyes held hurt and confusion.

"I hope you had fun sleeping with Niall." Luke says and he turns and leaves the room.

"I..." Nadia trails off.

".....Um...." I say after a while and she says nothing else.

"I have to take a shower." Nadia says and scurries out of the room.

Ok, so my suspicions were right they obviously have history with each other and by what I just saw it's obviously a lot of history.


"What?" I ask and turn around to see Harry at the door.

"I made breakfast." He says turning around to leave.

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