If only I hadn't gone with Hunter, If I had stayed and faced my problems. She might have just been alive right now.

I know it's not likely, but it's still a possibility.

Colette seemed to have read my thoughts because she shook her head gently, "hey, nothing is your fault. I hope you understand that"

I didn't answer but instead swerved my car into an empty space a small distance away from the party.

Damn. This is crazy.

I groaned and covered my eyes, feeling annoyed from the blinding lights and loud music.

Colette didn't seem to mind tho, she just got out and started strutting to the house. "You coming S?"

"Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes at her outstretched arm but still took it and walked with her towards the door.

"Will you need me to take you home?" Cause I definitely wouldn't be drinking tonight.

"Nah, I always hitch a ride with Alex and his sober driver"

I nodded. So, I'm taking her home.

"You look hot by the way" she looked me up and down, then dug into her purse and pulled out two silver hoops.

"Wear this though"

I wore it without complaint and thanked her, feeling anxious.

This is definitely not gonna end well.

Colette pushed open the door without knocking and we both made our way inside, she pulled me towards the kitchen but alot off people stopped us on the way and greeted her.

Huh, I forget how popular she is sometimes.

We finally reached our destination and before I could say Colette is a goat she grabbed a vodka bottle and took a swing.

I stared wide eyes, "woah there, Chug Chucks. Drink with care please"

She smiled brightly at me while I took an empty cup and poured the drink into it, handing it over to her and dropping the remaining back on the table.

"Ah! I love this song!" She sqealed and I looked at her in amusement, "go ahead"

She shook her head, "no way, I'm not leaving you"

"Have fun, but not too much fun" I warned her, then grabbed my own cup and turned away.

I saw her come after me but got sidetracked by some boy with brown hair.

I grabbed a coke and assessed the party, I came here to have fun, yes. But I need to make sure no one unwanted is here before I go make a fool of myself.

Now, who to dance with...

I smirked when I noticed a few guys huddled together watching me in, the one in the middle smirked back and I felt a sense of satisfaction.


I made it look like I was walking up to him, not breaking eye contact before I made a swift left.

That ought to wheel him in.

I dipped my drink and used my corner eye to see them still looking at me and I chuckled in amusement.

The one in the middle made his way over and I internally high fives myself. Still got it.

"Hello beautiful" I heard his voice from behind me and turned around.

He was definitely attractive, with midnight black hair and beautiful brown eyes that where looking at me in interest.

"Who? Me?" I said mockingly, and crossed my arms over my chest.

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