Scene 23

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Paris curses under his breath as he fiddles with the key to the apartment, his suitcase in one hand. Eventually he flings open the door.

I'm home!

Prisha rushes out from the bedroom in just her underwear, making sure to close the door behind her.

(looking startled)
Paris! I presumed you'd be staying over at your Mum's house?

No I decided I'd get back as soon as possible to miss as little of work as possible.

Oh, right. Well I was just having a nap. You woke me up.

Sorry about that. Right, I'm going to hop in the shower. I get really sweaty on flights for some reason.

Paris walks towards the bedroom but Prisha stops him in his way.

No, come on Paris. I've missed you so much.

Prisha begins kissing Paris' neck.

Seriously, Prisha. I haven't slept in nearly 48 hours now. I just want to have a shower then go to bed.

Prisha still won't let him pass through.

What the hell is up with you, Prisha?

Nothing, Paris. You're the one being weird.

Why don't we compromise have sex in the shower then?

No. We're doing it on the sofa and that's final.

Prisha begins kissing Paris and pushes him down onto the sofa, so that he faces away from the bedroom door. She keeps kissing him with her eyes open and MAN 1, a suave looking man in his forties, sneaks out of the bedroom quietly in his boxers and a handful of clothes. He tiptoes to the door with Prisha still glaring at him. Just before he reaches the door he trips over Paris' suitcase. Paris jumps up startled.

What was that?

What? I didn't hear anything.

Prisha tries to hold Paris down and kiss him but he gets up from the sofa and sees MAN 1 lying on the floor.

Who the fuck are you?

Paris, I really can't apologise enough. Prisha said you'd be out. I would never have come round unless I knew for certain I wouldn't get caught.

Paris turns to Prisha.

Have you been cheating on me with that?

Hey I'm a human, don't call me that.

I can call you whatever the fuck I like pal, I've just caught you shagging my girlfriend. Get the fuck out of this apartment before I batter the shit out of your ugly little face.

Man 1 tries to open the door but struggles with the lock. Paris walks over and opens it first time then shoves Man 1 out firmly.

Paris, listen it's not what it looks like.

Oh were both practicing your golf swings in the bedroom before I came home then?

I was going to end it with him after tonight, I promise. I started sleeping with him before we got back together and hadn't got round to putting a stop to it.

So while I was back in England visiting my mother in hospital, you decided to booty call your man on the side?

It sounds worse than it is. I promise I'm only in love with you.

I don't give a fuck whether you're in love with me or not, Prisha. Because I'm certainly not in love with you anymore.

Paris, please give me another chance. I'm begging you.

What happened, Prisha? Where did it go wrong?

I don't know Paris. I really don't.

(singing to Crop Circles by Jon Bellion)
When did our apartment turn to ruins on an island?
Where lovers used to live but they've been gone for quite some time and
Cards and clothes are artifacts and clues we left behind and
Oh, I do not know, I do not know
(In case you fucking forgot)

When did all the passion turn to numbers and statistics?
I've been trying to grasp it but it's all just hieroglyphics
(In case you fucking forgot)
We tried a little space but we flew too far to fix it
Oh, I do not know, I do not know

I said oh, I do not know, I do not know
I do not know, I do not know
I do not know, I do not know

When did thoughts of wedding rings,
Become just stranger things?
I'm in the upside down
We used to dance around the apartment
Now our footprints in the carpet
Are just crop circles, crop circles

When did our vibration turn to awkward bits of friction?
(In case you fucking forgot)
When did our vacation turn to fossils and to fiction?
(In case you fucking forgot)
All we do is fight and now we can't break the addiction
Oh, I do not know, I do not know

I said oh, I do not know, I do not know
I do not know, I do not know
I do not know, I do not know

When did thoughts of wedding rings,
Become just stranger things?
I'm in the upside down
We used to dance around the apartment
Now our footprints in the carpet
Are just crop circles, crop

While singing, Paris looks around the apartment for the first few verses before packing his things into a few bags. When the song ends he leaves the apartment with his belongings and slams the door behind him.

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