Scene 11

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Paris stands outside Pink Squirrel Records in the same clothes he wore the night before and his hair all over the place. He takes a deep breathe in and walks inside. He is greeted by TONY, a middle-aged man dressed in a designer tracksuit. He clearly thinks he's cooler than he is.

Hi, you must be Paris. Nice to meet you. I'm Tony, I'll be your manager slash mentor for the week.

Hi Tony, nice to meet you. So what do you do here?

I'm head of production, which means I basically run the studios here.

Oh nice. What kind of work will I be doing?

You'll basically be sitting in on sessions with our artists and helping them create and record their music. Ray tells me you also fancy yourself as a bit of an artist yourself.

That's what I originally came here for. Hopefully I'll do so well at producing that Ray will offer to sign me.

Tony laughs.

Yeah good luck with that. God loves a trier. Realistically you'll be dropped by the end of the week. I've seen it happen to endless amounts of people. They turn up with big fat smiles on their faces on Monday then by Friday they look like they're on the edge of suicide. I doubt you'll be any different.

We'll see about that Tony, mate. Can you show me to where I'll be working please?

You have got an attitude on you, little boy? Follow me.

Tony and Paris walk into the studio.

Wow this is so sick.

Never been in a studio before?

Can't say I have unfortunately. I've always got by with recording in my room. It must have worked well enough because I've got this job here.

Cocky little shit. Right, so you'll be working with Caleb today. I'll leave you to it. He should arriving any minute. He'll tell you what he wants you to do. Good luck. You'll need it.

Tony walks out of the room. Paris starts fiddling around with the knobs on the mixing console and a loud noise sounds out. Paris grimaces and covers his ears. The door opens and CALEB, a producer in his late-twenties with a designer suit on, saunters in.

Yo, Paris, good to see you, man. What's cracking?

Hi Caleb, yeah not too bad thanks. I'm sweating like a paedo in a playground in all honesty.

Nothing to worry about here, man. You'll glide through this. I listened to some of your stuff and the production is dope. Should be a piece of piss for you, this.

Let's hope so. How long have you been here?

Just under a year. I think I'm the longest-serving producer. After Tony, that is. Most of us leave after a few months when something better comes up.

Why's that?

You'll quickly find out that you're more talented than 99 per cent of artists we work with. All a load of Soundcloud rappers. As long as they sell, which they do, the label aren't too bothered about how talented they are.

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