Scene 4

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EXT: PARIS' HOUSE - KITCHEN                                                                                                                      4

Paris walks downstairs after showering to find MUM, 60, and RACHEL, Paris' 26-year-old sister, having breakfast at the kitchen table.

Good afternoon Paris. Nice of you to grace us with your presence.

No need to be so patronising Mum, it's only half ten.

Well your sister and I have been up for hours already. It must be a nice to have no responsibilities.

Oh come on Mum, give me at least a couple of days to celebrate finishing my exams.

Okay. As long as you promise to get a job soon.

I had a job all the way through sixth form and the summer before uni. You've never even had any kind of job.

Well good for you Rachel. And look at you now. An extremely successful cleaner at Premier Inn.

That's enough Rach- er I mean Paris. Don't listen to him Rachel, I'm very proud of your hard-working attitude.

Yeah me too Rachel, deepest apologies. Anyway, about the whole getting a job thing...

Don't you dare tell me that you're too busy becoming a popstar to get a real job.

You better not be Paris! That music thing of yours has ruined my whole life. I should never have told Sloane about that gig of yours.

I can't help it if I'm irresistible to older woman. But yeah, so basically last night I bought a plane ticket to New York for tomorrow. Now hear me out-

Sorry, Paris but can you just repeat the last thing you said. Because it sounded an awful lot like you said that you'd just booked a trip to fly halfway across the world!

Look Mum, it's not like that. I'm just going to go out there and show my work to a few record labels and see if they like it. There are no opportunities for artists like me to get signed over here so America's my only real option.

Right, I want you to refund that ticket straight away! There is no way I'm letting you go to New York!

I bet Sloane's going over there with you too. The heartless bitch.

Don't you dare call her that! And she's not actually, I'm going out there alone.

Oh. Maybe he should let him go out there Mum. It might do him good to throw himself in at the deep end of the music industry. You know, to find out if he'll sink or swim.

See Mum, it'll only be for a week or two. That is if I don't get snapped up straight away.

(under her breath)
I very much doubt that'll happen.

Uh fine then, do what you want. But you have to promise me you'll get a proper job as soon as you get back.

Thanks, Mum. I love you so much.

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