Scene 8

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Paris and Prisha sit in a hipster diner having breakfast. Paris has about 5 different plates full of food while Prisha has just got a fruit salad.

When I said I'd pay, I presumed you'd be polite and limit yourself to one plate, Paris.

(with his mouth full)
A promise is a promise, Prisha. You should have outlined the rules before we ordered. You've only got yourself to blame.

I can't even be angry at you for it, which is super annoying.

(with his mouth full)
I do tend to have that effect on people sometimes. So what do you do in New York anyway?

Commercial law. My company primarily handles legal disputes in the music industry.

Paris throws down his knife and fork and his mouth hangs open.

Shut. Up. So do you know many record label owners?

Know them? Literally half my waking hours are spent in meetings with them. Why?

I haven't told you why I'm here, have I?

I'd presumed you were just here to have a nice little week in the greatest city on Earth. Are you not on holiday?

No. Well sort of technically, if you go by what they put on my immigration form at the airport.

So what are you here for?

This may sound stupid to you, because it does to literally every other person I've met here so far, but I've basically come here to try and get signed by a record label.

Ah that'll explain why you were so excited about my job then. It's not stupid at all, Paris. You have to start somewhere and what better place to start than New York. Mind if I have a listen.

Thanks. Yeah sure. The quality won't be great on these headphones but you'll get the gist hopefully.

Paris hands Prisha some headphones, scrolls through his phone then presses play. Prisha listens for a few seconds and nods happily.

You know what, Paris, and I'm not just saying this because I think you're cute, but it's actually really good. Look I'll see what I can do but I should be able to get you a meeting with the boss of a label I'm meeting with this morning. He does whatever I tell him to do usually. It's not a major label or anything but it'll be the best I can do.

Oh my god, Prisha. Thank you so much!

Paris lurches forward and gives Prisha a hug across the table, almost knocking all his plates off of the table.

Hey, I said should be able to. Nothing's been confirmed. Don't get your hopes up just yet! If you give me your number I'll give you a call later to let you know what he says.

She takes Paris' phone and types in her number.

Right, I better be off now or I'll end up being late. I'll leave you to eat your other four meals in peace. Thank you very much for joining me this morning, Paris!

Prisha puts a hundred dollar bill on the table then gives Paris a kiss on the cheek.

No thank you, Prisha. You're the one that's paying. Speak to you later, hopefully.

Prisha walks out of the diner leaving Paris sitting bewildered on his own. He gets out his phone and video calls Eddie and Cal.

What do you want Paris? You've literally just woke me up from one of the best sleeps I've ever had.

It's nearly two o'clock in the afternoon where you are Cal. Just stop playing Fortnite and go to bed at a normal time.

Yeah whatever. Now why have you called?

Right, so I've got some huge news lads! Basically last night I met this girl Prisha in a bar and-

Fuck me Paris, you've not cheated on Sloane already, have you?

No, no. I would never do that, although this girl did try to kiss me actually...

Well that's good then, I think. Keep going with the story then.

Okay, so I meet her for breakfast this morning-

This definitely sounds like you're kind of cheating on Sloane but just without all the sex, Paris.

Look guys, I can promise you I am not cheating on her. Anyway Prisha tells me she's a lawyer for some law firm that works with record labels. I show her some of my music and she says she's going to try and sort me out a meeting with one of the owners of a label she works with.

Are you fucking us about, Paris?

No, this is all serious. Here's the breakfast she bought for me this morning.

Paris turns his phone around to show the plates of food.

I don't want to rain on your parade but judging by the empty seat in front of you, she's either left you or she's invisible.

I'd put my money on the second one. I've heard New York's swarming with invisible women looking to give eighteen year old kids record deals.

I know it sounds totally unbelievable-

Probably because it's a lie.

But this really is happening. She's left already to go to the meeting. Look at that hundred dollar note on the table. Where the fuck would I get one of them from?

You do have a point with that, Paris. Once you've signed the contract, send us a photo and then we'll believe you.

Try not to cheat with any other invisible women while you're out there too.

Fuck off. Right, got to go. I'll speak to you later.

Paris hangs up the phone and digs back into his food, nodding his head in satisfaction.

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