Chapter 4

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Myra Above


Fayela's POV

That whole incident with Ross is still lingering in my head. Its 4th period now and the whole school is buzzing that Ross Lynch, from R5, is going to our school. How much you want to bet that this will be in the evening news! "You still thinking about lover boy?" McKenna teased. She has the idea of me liking Ross, although that is far from true. I don't want anything to do with him. Yeah he might be smoking hot, good hair, great hazel eyes, nice tone body, but I don't have any interest in him. Oh my, I need to stop talking about him, he is interrupting my train of thought, and I need to focus on school. You want to know what the worst part is. Ryland, Ross' brother, is in all my classes as well. So I have to deal with some part of Ross. He seems nice, he sure isn't quiet, and I think he has taken a liking to Myra! They have definitely gotten comfortable with one another, and it's almost as though they're already dating with the way their acting. "Hi Fayela, hi McKenna, im Ryland, but you can call me Ry. Your friend Myra told me your names! Fayela I saw you earlier when we walked in right?" I nod

"Yes, you and Ross made quite an entrance this morning!" I smiled

"Oh, so you know who we are I see, I hope you won't treat me any different just because im related to Ross. I hate when people do that, or when they just become friends with me to get to him." I never realized what he goes through, having famous siblings and being a manager of a band at his age. I bet he has to constantly worry who his true friends are.

"No worries, my friends and I won't treat you any different. Speaking of, next period is lunch, would you want to sit with us? I figured since it's your first day you don't have anybody to sit with!"

"Sure, that would be great. Sitting with a whole bunch of girls! Ha-ha im just kidding, but who all do you sit with? Anybody else from our class?"

"No our other best friends are juniors, Felicity and Zahra, I don't know if you have seen them around or not. Some other juniors sit with us to, guys in fact so you won't be the odd one out!" I joked, to which he quietly chuckled at.

"Is it ok if Ross sits with us? I think he was planning on sitting with me today. Maybe he made some new friends and might sit with them, I don't know but so if not will it be ok?" He looked nervous to ask us, confusing me slightly. 

"Yeah that's fine, as long as he's cool, I know some celebrities can be arrogant and..."

Ryland cut me off, "He isn't like most celebrities, and we keep him normal at the house. We all made an oath that no matter how big we all get, we will always stay humble to our-selves and if we start to change, Rydel or Riker will make sure that changes immediately." Ryland got out his phone to text Ross, telling him he is sitting with some new friends of his. He is welcome to sit with them as there are some juniors that sit with them also!

Ross texted back almost immediately, "Yah sounds cool!"




So the story continues! I hope you like it. I know i have been posting everyday, but im on winter break, so next week when school starts, that will change! Comment what you thing, I would appreciate it! -KT

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