"Laurie." Farley called from behind her door, she opened it immediately, she almost thought it was Shawn, but Shawn had a deeper voice.

"Where's Shawn?"

"Busy, I actually came to talk to you about him." Farley replied.

She contained her anxiety and sat on her bed, he sat next to her.

"What about him? Is she going to keep Ramses in the lamp?"

"I don't know. But about shawn, whenever he's around our mother he's a little....."


"Assertive, I guess. He's very eager to please her, he's actually her favourite so he doesn't need to, but because of that you might not see Shawn a lot while your here, whether he wants to see you or not." Farley said.

Laurie wasn't really sure how to take that news, she was thinking that she needed to make a decision, but it was starting to look like neither guy wanted to or was able to be with her in an intimate relationship.

"What about Ramses? She can't keep him like that I won't let her." Laurie said standing.

"I can arrange a meeting where you can get a one on one with her." Farley said.

Farley was incredibly handsome, he wasn't the Adonis his brother was, but he was cute and had a friendly face.

They actually looked nothing alike, she wondered if they had different dads, but didn't think it appropriate to ask.

"Thank you. You're being really nice, considering."

"Considering the fact that I'm the son of your captor?"

"Yes, which makes you a prince, it didn't really sink in until I actually saw this place and your mom."

"Yeah, she's very intimidating. But I wanna help you, this isn't gonna be easy for you and Shawn might be sent back to the surface." Farley replied with a bright smile.

"Thank you."

He gave her one last smile then left.


The Queen was speaking with Amethius who had just returned, he seemed upset and saddened.

"You said you'd let us leave after this." Amethius said, he was upset, his eyes were reddish and he looked exhausted, something was weighing heavily on him.

"Darling the little Empress likes it here and I still need you, I hope you don't mind staying for a bit longer." She replied looking him in the eyes.

"Yes my Queen."

"Did you learn anything new while you were up there?" She asked him.


"Alright then."

Amethius turned and left, he almost bumped into Farley on his way out.

"Farley, my baby, what's bothering you?" She asked standing up from her desk.

"Nothing. I just wanted to let you know Laurie Bloom would like to speak with you, she wants to know what your plans are for the genie."

"Hmm. What did you tell her?"

"I told her I could get her a meeting with you."

"Well that's inconvenient, I'm very busy at the moment." She said pinching his cheeks, he always had plump baby like cheeks, he blamed her incessant pinching.

"Don't worry dear, tell her that I'll send for her when I'm ready."

"Alright." Farley replied about to leave.

Mistress Of The Shadows: Guardian Of The RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now