Chapter 43 - 79's

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka walked up to me and grabbed my hands.

"You don't need to convince me to stay with you." Ahsoka said as she kissed me on the lips. "Anyway, take your suit off. I want to be able to relax and just forget about the war with my boyfriend for a bit." Ahsoka said.

"As you wish." I said as I took my suit off. "Can I take my lightsaber at least?" I asked.

"Oh of course yes. I just didn't want you to haul around every single weapon you've got. Also I want to be able to do this when I'm drunk." Ahsoka said as she began to rub her hand up my chest. "It feels nice." She said with a smile.

"Well, what're we waiting for then? Let's get going!" I said. Ahsoka smiled as she grabbed my hand and led me out of her room and out of the temple. Once we got down to the main road thing, Ahsoka called a taxi and we hopped in.

"Where to?" The driver said.

"79's." Ahsoka replied.

"Of course." The driver said as we began to fly off. I put an arm around Ahsoka as she leant her head against my shoulder.

"I like the wind in my lekkus." Ahsoka said with a smile.

"You like my hands in your lekkus more." I said as I began to rub the insides of her lekkus.

Ahsoka let out a soft moan as she looked up at me.

"(Y/n), I want to be awake when we get there." Ahsoka said with a relaxed smile. I slowly stopped fussing her lekkus as she asked and went back to just holding her.

After a few minutes, we arrived at 79's. From outside we could see that it was practically just clones inside.

"That'll be 6 credits please." The driver said. (According to a quick Google search, that's anywhere between 5-13 US dollars).

"Here you go." Ahsoka said as she handed the driver the money.

"Thank you." The driver said as me and Ahsoka got out of the taxi and began to head towards 79s.

As we got nearer, I began to see more clearly who was in the bar. I didn't recognise any of the clones, but Ahsoka did.

"Hey, it's Echo and Fives." Ahsoka said as she began to run into the bar. I chased after her.

"Oh, hello Padawan Tano, wh-what are you doing here?" Fives asked.

"Oh you know, just chilling with (y/n)." She said as she gave me a smile.

"Pardon me for asking, but there have been some rumours going around the barracks about you two, um, dating." Echo said. "We were just wandering if, you, you are or not."

Ahsoka looked to me and in one clean motion, she pulled my head into hers and kissed me on the lips.

"That answer it?" She said with a cheeky grin.

"Uh, I suppose it does." Fives said before they turned back to the bar.

Me and Ahsoka walked in, hand in hand past all the clones until we found an empty seat. There was only one though.

"You can have it." I said as I signalled for Ahsoka to sit down.

"(Y/n), how about we, share it." Ahsoka said.

"But then we won't get much space each." I replied.

"Not like that silly. You have the chair to sit on and I have you." Ahsoka said with a smile.

"Ah, I get you now." I replied as I sat down. As I did, Ahsoka snuck herself in on top of my lap. She turned to face me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. As she did, we heard some of the clones laugh and others begin to talk, but these people were our brothers so we didn't mind.

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