"The Choices We Have To Make"

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If I give my all, what will I have left? I was chasing someone I can't have, but ended up finding someone that will love me for who I am. And that someone is me.

When one flower blooms, another flower dies.
A new place with a whole new life.
Loving you could kill me, and I still continued loving you. Now, look where I'm standing now. Alone and in ruins.

I gave you everything I can give, I begged for you to stay, I cried for you to talk to me, I waited patiently for you to come back, and I've done everything I can to make you stay. So, sweetie, I thought I needed to change and I did.

You see, I love talking to you so much. And the old me would beg you to talk to me again when you want to stop, But the new me will to never beg for anyone to talk to me or stay. If you want to go, then go. I have been left more than enough for me to say that "I don't need anyone in my life". I may not make my own money yet, but I still have my pride and dignity. I set those two aside just for you, yet nothing happened. You still left, and I almost lost myself from begging you to stay in my life. Watching the people I loved as they slowly give up on me and then, finally, leave me when they got what they need. Made me realize, how cruel people can be. The world isn't the one who is being cruel to us. Humans, us, ourselves are the ones making the world seem cruel. And we know how much that should stop.

Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don't respect, appreciate, and value you. Learn to spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.

"I Am Done With Everyone Deciding Things For Me. The Only One Who Will Be Making Decisions For Me Is Myself."

If you don't want to accept my feelings, it's fine. I'll be fine with whatever your decision will be, just, please... don't throw away the 3 years that we spent together. I was there when you needed me, but when I said I needed you...

....where were you?

I know you saw my text.


Just after my birthday, the puppy I was loving and taking care of for almost a month now, died after my birthday...

And you know what?

I was there with him when he died and while he was dying...

I couldn't do anything.

I did everything I can do...

....but some things in life just can't be solved or fixed.

plus, I broke my iPad that day too, and...

....you started not talking to me again.

I don't have the courage to open up to someone now because I'm scared that they will leave me the same way you did.

Though it's fine because I don't really need anyone now, I'm happy with just being by myself. At least, with this, I won't get hurt anymore.

I just continued to comfort myself and smile through all the pain and challenges that life had prepared for me. I'm not a stranger to being alone. There are days when I want to be alone, and there are days when I don't want to be alone. You see, I'm an ambivert. A mix of being an introvert and an extrovert. You will probably be one of my favorite people that has ever come and go in my life.

Thank you for all the memories, the love, care, and happiness you gave me. I really appreciate that you and I got this far, despite whatever rubbish happened between us. Thank you for understanding me all the time, Thank you for being born, Thank you for being a good best friend, Thank you for everything you gave me... even the scars you left, I cherish them like an idiot.

I hope that you will always be happy with the people you choose to love. I love you, my best friend. I have always loved you, and I always will... but some things just have to be buried forever, right?

Maybe in another life, we'll be together.
Maybe in another life, you'll be mine.

In peace may we part,
In love may you find the next,
I wish you safe passage on your travels,
Until our final journey to the Heavens,
May we meet again.

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