"You'll Love Me When I'm Gone"

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"I love you in a thousand unsaid ways..."

"I will always love the way my whole world is
rotating around you..."

*as I kneel in front of you*

...I don't want us to be strangers again."
*as I weep my heart out, kneeling, and doing
everything to make you stay*

"I don't ever want to wake up....

....without your good morning messages and...

.....to a world without you in my life."

I pinky promise,...
(just like we always do before)

I can continue to bury my love for you,
just please...

...don't leave me...

Stay by my side like old times....

Guard me with every step I make,
warn me for the consequences of what I'm going to do,
be there for me until I can stand on my own two feet....

I'm really really sorry for everything....

I want to tell you ' I love you', but there's
something pulling me back from doing it...

Deep inside, I know you'll hate me for it....

I'm in love with you, okay?...

I don't want to tell you because I'm scared that you
might Hate me, Not look at me, Despise me, Stay away
from me like I'm some kind of person with a disease, or worst,
Stop being friends with me... that's why I didn't tell you....

I'm a coward, and because of that...

..I'm the only one whose holding on now...


I miss you..

I'm sorry....

I'm sorry, I fell for you...

I'm sorry, I fell for my best friend!


You're the only one that got me
through every single day...

You're the one who makes me feel
excited to sleep and wake up because...

...I'm inlove with you...

Loving you is what got me through all the
pain and hardship that I'm facing every
single day, and we were happy....

...until I fell for you...

....and all the promises we made was
slowly turning to dust.

Burying my feelings for you is one of the worst
and most painful decisions I've ever made in
my whole life...

Because one day....

...I suddenly woke up to a world without the most
important person to me... Completely.

We became 'Strangers with Memories'.

I started losing you ever since I
tried burying my feelings for you...

And my feelings?...

There still here,..

but they grew..


and deeper than I'd ever imagined

To the point that I can't stop thinking about you
through every single second that passes by...


So if you love someone, you tell
them, and you tell them straight.

Don't ever bury your feelings for someone
you love, because things that are buried and
hidden will grow and be seen...

Let your love flourish, and be free....


Love isn't about finding your perfect half...

It's the trying, and reaching, and failing.

Love isn't pretending to be who you aren't...

And love isn't kind and patient and humble,
like they always told us.....

Love is...

Love is messy...

and horrible...

and selfish...

and bold...

but love is also..

being willing to ruin your good painting...

..for the chance at a great one.

I'm sorry it got this far...
I never really meant to hurt you.

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