"Why Don't You Love Me"

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"Find someone whose willing to love you
with your every flaw and scar."

...November 16, 2019 10:50 p.m.

That's what I said when you were
heartbroken by a guy..

who doesn't know how to love...

I've been sending you signals that I'm in
love with you for so long..



You seem to never realize that...

Seeing you with someone else..

makes me want to hide behind a rock and swim in my own tears and sorrow...

It was selfish of me because...

I wanted you...

...all for myself.


In case you still haven't realized too...

You're my everything...
and You've always been..


And I've realized that when we were
already nothing but a memory...

I don't want to be just friends anymore....

I love you...


Why don't you love me, back?


Tell me that I'm your everything...

Make me stay...

..or just...

help me understand why you don't love me....

Talk to me....


Open your heart 'cause I'll be unarmed and will
welcome you with arms wide open and a
smile from the heart..

Please.. just tell me why don't you love me?

Give me a reason..

Tell me the truth...

This pain is killing me...

Tell me why don't you love me...

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