"She Used To Be Mine"

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She's imperfect,
but she tries.

She is good,
but she lies...

She is hard on herself, and
she's broken and won't ask for help.

She is brave,
but she cries...

She's sensitive,
but she's kind...

I'm in love with the little things about her...

And I'm sorry,

I'm late for realizing that now...

..now that you're gone...

...now that I had let you slip away
from my grasp...

Now that I'm broken and broke...

..and no one can piece me up...

except you...

...but you're gone.


Now that my heart's already in pieces...

I'm going crazy thinking about which piece to follow...

I'm sorry...

I'm really sorry...

I'm sorry because.....

.....I don't know...

I'm sorry for not being strong to be able
to take the risk of losing you...

It's not what I asked for...

I'm sorry for loving you, and not taking the risk,
and for being a coward, and a pain in the ass to you...

I'm sorry for being the reason you're hurting...


I'll still be in love with you through
Storms and Hurricanes...

My love for you can withstand anything.

I would do anything to rewrite an episode or two.

But now that you're gone...

..and I'm getting used to saying that...

"She used to be mine..."

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