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Your laugh is the most beautiful
music I've ever heard.

Your smile is the sweetest candy
for my eyes...

Your mere existence is the greatest
gift I'll ever cherish...

Who wouldn't fall for those beautiful and
angelic charms of yours?


Everyone has, actually...

Everywhere you go, you can make anyone
fall for you unintentionally...

....and I was a victim of it too.


Loving you every time of my life was like committing a huge crime that will destroy something beautiful.

We were already happy with what we had

but I couldn't help loving you.

As my mind wavers and wanders if you
feel the same way about me too...

When I first met you, I never knew I'd fall for you,

when I thought that I had buried every part of that person in me...

I left a piece.

That grew.

And blossomed.

And you were the outcome of it.

I knew I had feelings for you for some time already...

...but I didn't think that I'd

......be this in love with you.

To the point that...

....I couldn't even fall asleep without thinking about you.

The Lights We Cannot SeeWhere stories live. Discover now