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Sorry for being late as always.

Third person p.o.v:

"They should all be coming in about two minutes, John must have called them since I am hearing noises." Jungkook said as he went to see out a window, and he was right, because two black cars were parked in front of the daycare.

"You didn't kill him?" Taehyung asked confused.

"No, I wanted him to suffer, so I shot him in a critical body part, he will last for like an hour maximum." Jungkook informed his boyfriend.

"Okay then. The door is in front of us. You take right or left?" Taehyung asked, getting his gun out.

"Are you sure there is only one way in?" Jungkook

"Yeah, I blocked all the other ways when I got in and killed some men on my way in." Taehyung

"Great. You have a gun?" Jungkook

"I have two, a knife and a grenade, why? Need one?" Taehyung

"No, I have two as well. Where did you get them from?" Jungkook

"Bogum." Taehyung

"You met that f*cker? What did you two talk about?" Jungkook

"Nothing....important." Taehyung

Jungkook was about to question him again when they heard footsteps coming closer, Taehyung gestured to go to the right and he went to the left.

Jungkook did as told, finding five guys in his way, he smirked approaching them slowly, he didn't want to use his guns just yet, so he took a bat that was laying on the ground, hitting the closest guy to him and putting him on the floor, so it won't make any sounds, then getting back up, approaching two other guys, hitting one in the leg with the bat, took his hun out, shooting him in the chest then shot the other in the thigh and stomach before he could do anything, and when the last two heard the gun shots and came closer, he shot one in the head and the other in the crotch area then the brain.

"I always wanted to try doing that." Jungkook giggled happily, proud of himself. Throwing the gun afterwards and taking out the second one, going to check on Taehyung.

While getting closer to Taehyung, he heard a scream, and what he saw made him utter one word: "Hot."

Taehyung was standing in the middle of eight men, who were laying on the ground, blood around them, while he was busy breaking the arm of a guy.

When Taehyung noticed Jungkook, he smiled at him and said: "You are done already babe? I am one my last one too, give me a second." Taehyung sliced the guy's neck and moved away from the scene calmly.

"You looked so sexy doing that." Jungkook said excitedly.

"Thanks sweetie." Taehyung replied, kissing Jungkook's cheeks.

"Should we go now?" Jungkook

"Yeah, let's go." Taehyung said, taking his lover's hand and walking away.

"You said you had a grenade right?" Jungkook asked with a glint in his eyes.

"I do, do you want it?" Taehyung took out the grenade out of his pocket.

"Yes, thank you!" Jungkook

"Just throw it when we are far away from the place." Taehyung added.

"I will don't worry, babe." Jungkook

"Okay then." Taehyung

They both walked out of the place and as soon as they got out of it, Jungkook threw the grenade and they both quickly moved away from the place.

Watching the place blow up and the fire coming out, Taehyung said: "I feel bad for the owners of this place."

"Don't worry, John bought it before locking me inside." Jungkook

"How did you know this?" Taehyung

"I can remember some things as a little, and the guards were talking about it as well." Jungkook

"Did they treat you well?" Taehyung asked as they started walking away to the motorcycle he brought.

"Most of the time, when my little self gets too 'annoying' they lock me up in a dark a room and don't give food until John ask about me, so for once in my life I was thankful for John's existence." Jungkook joked.

"I am sorry, it's all my fault, I didn't protect you even though I said I will, I am a failure as a caregiver and as a boyfriend." Taehyung looked down, ashamed of himself.

"No hubby, it wasn't your fault. They were the one to attack from the back, and if it your fault, it is my fault as well then, because I didn't notice them. Don't blame yourself or I will seriously get mad." Jungkook'

"Whatever you say princess." Taehyung

Jungkook stopped walking, saying: "And what happened to you?"

"I was in the hospital." Taehyung

"What? How are you now? Is everything okay? Do you feel hurt somewhere? Where did they hurt you?" Jungkook

"I am fine now, I just have a headache from time to time. I should have taken the medicine with me before running from the hospital." Taehyung

"You ran from the hospital? Are you stupid? What if something happened to you? You should have stayed." Jungkook

"And what if something happened to YOU? I was worried about you, I thought I am going to lose the love of my life and before I knew it I was out of the hospital." Taehyung

"Idiot, and what if something happened to you before coming to me, I would have blamed myself for eternity, so you better not do it again. But I understand, I would have done the same for you." Jungkook

"You would?" Taehyung

"Of course I would. But let's leave that topic now, you need to go the hospital." Jungkook

"But...." Taehyung

"No buts, I want to make sure you are okay so we are going." Jungkook

"Okay." Taehyung said defeated.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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