Chapter Thirty-Eight: Talking it Out

Start from the beginning

    "Just checkin in. You okay?" Chloe asked as Jess looked around to make sure Sam hadn't followed her or anyone else for that matter.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    "Sam, he knows you're a demon. He's mad." Jess sighed.


    Jess just shrugged and opened the chips, offering some to Chloe who grabbed a handful and shoved them in her mouth. They stood there for a few minutes and ate chips until Jess took a breath. "It's just. I'm not sure if I can be a hunter. I feel like I'm always in the way. What if I kill someone?" Chloe took Jess' hand and they started walking in the opposite direction of the room.

    "That's kinda the point Jess."

    "No, I mean Sam won't trust me now. I know he won't.  If he doesn't trust me then I can't be around them. I wish Rachel was here. She'd know what to do."

    "Listen to what you're saying, this is Sam. Teddy bear, salad loving Sam. And I know I'm not Rachel but, if I may be frank...the way you handled those demons the other day just goes to show that you are more than capable. It takes a little time and a little practice."

    "It did take them a while to warm up to Cas. Maybe it will be like that. Anyway, maybe not pop by for the next few days unless you know I'm in mortal peril or something." Jess said and pulled the demon into a hug before they bought more snacks from the vending machine.

 • • • • • •

    (Sam's POV)

    Sam was wiping his face with a washcloth as Dean and Cas were still discussing Famine when he heard Jessica come back into the motel room. He was having a little trouble focusing at the moment but apparently, Famine was here to cause total chaos in the form of starvation and hunger. Sam had that placed on the back burner because he was hungry and not for normal food.

    "We should stop it," Castiel spoke within the awkward silence around a mouthful of burger.

    "Hey, that's a great idea. How?" Dean asked.

    "How did you stop the last horseman you met?"

    "War got his mojo from this ring. And after we cut it off, he just tucked tail and ran. And everybody that was affected, it was like they woke up out of a dream. You think Famine's got a class ring, too?"

    "I know he does," Cas said.

    "Ok well, let's track him down and get to crackin." Dean said and crossed his arms.

    "Yeah." Cas stood up and looked into the fast-food bag.

    "What are you, the hamburgler?"

    "I've developed a taste for ground beef." Is all Cas said.

    Sam wiped his face with a washcloth again as he tried to hold in the heavy breathing. He could feel the sweat dripping down his back and he wanted it to stop, wanted it to all go away.

    "Hey, Jessie, wanna help us try to figure out a way to gank this guy?"He heard Dean call out and he whipped to the door to try to close it but it was too late. He came face to face with Jess.

    "Sam?" She asked in the doorway and took a step forward. He quickly turned away from her, until he caught a whiff of something. He was practically towering over the small girl. As Sam moved closer to her, Jess backed up right into Dean.

    "Jess?" Dean asked as she bumped into him. Sam was starring straight at her. He narrowed his eyes but didn't want to get in between their business.

    "Whatever, let's roll."

    Sam who was struggling looked at his brother "Dean...I, um...I can't, I can't go." Sam said as moved around Jess.

    "What?" Dean asked and squinted his eyes.

    "You're infected?" Cas asked and Sam nodded.

    "And that means I can't go." He said and Dean crossed the room for his bag and produced a pair of handcuffs.

    "Maybe I should stay with him. You know, make sure he's not coming down with something."

    Dean walked closer to Sam, "I don't think you can help him, Jessie. It's not a normal kind of sickness."

    "'s alright. She can stay...and make sure I don't get out." Sam interrupted.

    Dean looked as if he was about to disagree with his brother's words but stopped and looked at Jess, "You sure you don't wanna come with us. Could be a pretty great learning opportunity if you're actually serious about being a hunter?" Jess seemed to deflect quickly but Sam saw the forlorn look on her face.

    "I just don't want to get in your way...I'm not sure if I can just kill people even though they're being possessed by's still someone else's' body." She said in defense.

    Dean only nodded and then proceeded to cuff Sam to the sink in the bathroom.

    "Uh, Cas. Be careful. Watch out for Dean." Jess said and patted the angel on the shoulder. He gave her a firm nod and she joined Sam before the door was shut. She sat down against the opposite wall in front of Sam.

    The scuff of the dresser being shoved across the floor to cover the door could be heard and then the exterior door to the motel opening and shutting. Jess took a breath and then looked at Sam. "So...why didn't you tell Dean about Chloe?"

    "We're jumping right in then?" Sam asked, leaning his head back against the wall. He didn't want to do this now, with her.

    "Why not? I'd thought it'd be easier than discussing why you had blood on your face earlier...whatever's wrong with you Sam...It'll be okay." Jess said.

    "You really think so?" He asked.

    "Well're one of the strongest dudes I know."

    Sam did that self-deprecating smirk thing he often does before he raised his eyes back towards Jess.

    "I didn't tell Dean about your friend because there is so much going on, it would've distracted him...made him worried for your safety...and I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. A while back, there was this demon I knew...her name was Ruby and she...I trusted her with my life. With Dean's life and she betrayed me because that's what demons do. I should have seen it coming to be honest but Dean was gone and I was so lost, Jess. She lied to me, made me think she was there for me only to sell us out in the end." He was worried that this demon that had attached itself to her was only there for trouble. 

    He truly was only looking out for the girl.

    "I am sorry Sam, truly," Jess whispered.

    "It's just that you don't know the world like we do. It's dark and scary and trusting a demon usually gets you killed and I don't want you to die." He said and started the breathe harder. Jess grabbed a washcloth and stuck it under the faucet.

    "I know you're just looking out for me Sam...but I don't think you have to worry about her. Besides, Cas knows her...they work together." Jess told him as she crouched down to wipe his brow.

    "Do they now?" He asked with a look of disbelief.

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