Chapter Thirty-Five: My Bloody Valentine

Start from the beginning

    "So no ghosts," Jess said as she sat on one of the beds and took off the blasted shoes.

    "Yeah, and it also doesn't sound like demonic possession either," Sam said. It was clear there was something weird going on here,  but they'd need more information to exactly pinpoint what they were dealing with.

    "What did the coroner say?"

    Dean smiled over at Jess as she sat down next to him and pushed a bag of chips his way.

    "There wasn't much left of Alice and Russel. These two just started eating and kept going."

    Jess made and face and grabbed another lore book. "I thought witches, maybe an ex-lover?" Jess shot out.

    "Can't rule it out," Dean said as he munched on the chips and then offered them back to Jess but she wasn't hungry anymore so she just shook her head.

    "No thanks, I'll be over there researching and not thinking about cannibalism." She said and moved away from the brothers. 

    Dean and Sam talked for a minute, concluded that they couldn't do anything more tonight so Sam changed the subject.

    "I'm just gonna research some files with Jess then. You can go ahead and get going." Sam said which only made Dean look up from the coroner report and Jess looked up from her books.

    "Where am I going?" Dean asked with a confused look as Sam rolled his eyes then glanced up from the computer.

    "Dude it's Valentine's day...your favorite holiday remember...what do you always call it...uh, unattached drifter Christmas." Dean looked over at Jessica who was not so secretly listening in on their conversation.

    "Oh, yeah. that as it may... I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year."

    "So you're not into bars full of lonely women?" Dean shrugged at Sam's words and took a sip of his beer. Jess stuck her tongue out at him when he shot a look her way before replying, "Guess not...what?" Dean asked with a cranky voice.

    Sam eyed his brother, "It's when a dog doesn't eat, that's when you know something is really wrong." Jess squinted at the dog metaphor, clearly confused.

    "Remarkably patronizing concern duly noted. Nothing's wrong. Now we gonna work or what?" Dean asked with his annoyed voice. Jess sighed and threw a book his way.

    "Get crackin." She muttered and turned the next page of her tome to continue searching.

 • • • • • •

    (Chloe's POV)

    Chloe was a smart girl. Most demons she met knew that and respected her for it. But Kurt pushed his luck as he brought in some newbie to watch her. He had sworn it wasn't a placement made by upper management but the more and more she looked at this newbie demon, the more she wanted to vomit.

    There was no doubt this guy was a spy for Crowley or perhaps for her brother Aaron.

    "Chloe you need a partner. You're straying far from the flock... I'm merely trying to help you." Chloe looked up from the booth she was in. Kurt seemed like he meant well and it really made her angry.

    "Kurt cut the angel monologue with me. You're not some winged freak with a halo so stop." Kurt patted James, the newbie, on the back.

    "She's all yours brother." Kurt vanished. The other two were alone in the empty diner.

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