Chapter 30

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Ola's POV

"I can't seem to hear Lola's voice... Please, let's open the door... ignoring her like this will only get her angry with you the more. Let me go check on her." Nene said, as she got off the bed and tried to put on her house robe.

I gently took the house robe away from her and pulled her back to join me on the bed then i said:

"Just a minute more.. please. Stay with me a bit more. If we open that door now, there's no telling what that crazy sister of yours will do to me or to you... she'll try to poison your mind against me and spoil this blissful union. Haven't you noticed that each time we are 'good', she shows up and we have a misunderstanding?"

"That's not true. She showing up when we have a misunderstanding is just a coincidence. Besides, are you trying to say i don't have a mind of my own or what? I'm responsible for my decisions. Lola has never influenced my decisions in anyway." Nene replied  defensively.

"Really?! Ok, prove it to me today... i want you to spend few days with me at my place. A few days, just you and i, here at ESQ. Pack some of your things and let's go to my place now." I replied with a grin.

Nene quickly got off the bed and paced the room as she said:

"What?! A few days?! At your place?! You know I can't do that... Second semester just started... i have to be in school for lectures... why will you even suggest that? i can't just up and leave and spend days at your place like that. Besides, i really don't know how Lola will take it. She..."

"You see?!! You see what i'm talking about?! Lola has a huge influence in your decision making. You are thinking of what Lola will say or how she'll react and you say you are responsible for your decisions?" I interjected as i interrupt her sentence.

Nene stopped pacing and looked at me then she slowly said:

"What you are asking of me is not right. You want me to spend few days with you at your place... that means i'll miss all my lectures throughout those few days. Lola will never agree to it and she..."

"Lola again?! Lola this, Lola that! Angel try and live your life for from 'Lola's claws'. Lola has a boyfriend... did she tell you about him?? I'm sure you don't even know who he is. Does she seek your opinion to date or be with her boyfriend? Or does she even ask for permission from you to visit her so called boyfriend? Here you are seeking her permission to be with me." I said, as i got off the bed to join Nene.

"I really meant it when i said you should spend some days with me... it's not just because i want you to prove to me that you can make your own decisions but because i truly want us to be together...far from any interference. OK, let's do this, I'll see to it that we will go to school together, throughout those few days that you'll be at my place. What do you say? It's just for few days and nothing more. And please, for the love of God, don't bring up Lola's name in your response. I want you to give me a 'Nene' response and not a 'Lola-Nene' response. Our relationship is just you and i doesn't include Lola." I concluded and i gave Nene a kiss.

"Let me go ahead and pick out your clothes while you make up your mind." I said, as i left Nene and walk towards her wardrobe.

"Please stop, don't open my wardrobe. It's not right for a guy to go through a lady's things... you may end up seeing what you shouldn't see in there..." Nene said shyly, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What are you even saying? Why can't i open your wardrobe?? I'm not just any guy... i'm your boyfriend for crying out loud! And what do you have in there that you don't want me to see? Your feminine hygiene products? Your lingerie?" I ask as i turned around and cup her cheeks in my hands.

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