Chapter 63

181 13 4

Nene's POV

▪▪▪"Lolly, please, don't stop me. Let me go home... just allow me leave here... i don't belong here... a nobody like me does not belong here... Lolly, i know my place... it's certainly not... not in midst of this gathering." I managed to say as tears flowed down my cheeks freely.

I yanked my arm away from Lola's grip, turned and hurriedly left the hall.

Immediately i got out of the hall and i was sure that i was out of the sight of those Elite guests, i ran as fast as i could.▪▪▪

'Where should i run to?... i can't stay here... i must get out of here... to anywhere... anywhere but here... i must leave here... i don't belong here... ' I kept on saying within me, as i ran.

My toes hurts badly... i felt so much pain on them as i ran, wearing heels... high heels for that matter.

"God! If i continue running like this, my toes will definitely break out with blisters... well, i don't care! I'd rather have blisters on them than to be in a gathering where i'm not welcomed... a place i do not belong." I mutter, sniffling and wiping my tears.

I cried so much as i ran to the extent i didn't even know when i brushed by someone...

"Hey! Take it easy!! You can't say you didn't see me walking before you knocked me off the path! Jeez, are you blind or what?!" The young man yelled.

I turned to apologise to him:

"Um... i'm sorry... i'm so sorry. I... i... never meant to brush by you... please..."

"Ma' Ma'am?!" The young man stutters, interjecting as soon as he saw my face clearly.

'Oh, it's Mr Tony!' I said mentally.

"Ma'am, what's wrong? Why are you here alone... away from the event centre? I thought i dropped you and Ma'am Lola off at the venue? What's wrong, ma? Why are you crying? Did anyone harass you?... where is ma'am Lola?... were you robbed?..." Mr Tony went on and on asking so many questions, with so much concern.

"I'm fine... no one harassed me... i just want to go home... i don't want to be here... please take me home... take me home." I managed to say amidst my frequent sniffs.

"Ma'am, please calm down. Please stop crying, ok. Um... I'm so sorry Ma'am, i can not leave here without informing Ma'am Lola... why don't i escort you back to the car and then i'll give Ma'am Lola a call... i'm sure she will be so worried looking for you too." Mr Tony tried to comfort me with his words.

Wiping off my tears with the back of my right hand, I nod slowly.

Mr Tony led me to the Limo, at the parking lot. He opened the door to let me in then he walked a few meters away from the car, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed Lola's number.

I heard Mr Tony say:

"Hello. Ma'am Lola? Um, sorry to bother you. Um... there's been a situation over here... um... actually, i bumped into your friend, on my way to an eatery... yes ma, she's with me... in the car, at the lot... she's doing fine... i suppose... not sure... i met her crying and she hasn't said who offended her... ok, Ma'am... ok, Ma... yes ma."

Mr Tony turned and walked towards me. He sighed heavily then he said:

"Ma'am Lola said she'll be here in the next 10 to 20 minutes. I don't know who or what has made you so upset like this. Please i need you to pull yourself together, calm down and wait till she gets here. You can tell her whatever it is... if she instructs me to take you home then i'll do so. But for now, we have to wait, ok."

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