Chapter 57

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Nene's POV

"Dude, please, chill... you need to relax. You getting so worked up isn't good for your health. The doc just informed me that your blood pressure is high and that's why they can't discharge you now." Soji said slowly, looking so nervous.

"Fuck that blood pressure! I heard from Lola that someone hit someone... i hope the someone she said was hit isn't the person i'm thinking about... wait! It hasn't sung in yet... i'm trying to understand the shit i just heard, ...and you're talking of blood pressure?! I asked a question and no one seem to be answering... maybe i'm speaking Spanish language or French language that's why you all are looking as if i'm talking rubbish! I'm asking right now in plain English language, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WOMAN WHILE I WAS UNCONSCIOUS?!" L.D yelled so loud as he tried to get off the bed to attack Soji.

I pulled L.D back to the bed, pleading with him to calm down.

"I... i... it wasn't intentional... i..." Soji stuttered as panic and fear was written all over his face.

"My love, he didn't do anything. We were both trying to carry you off the floor when you slumped... his hand slightly brushed pass my cheek... um.. It was then, Lola came in to join us and she read a different meaning to it. Soji has already apologised. Am i right, Lola?" I turned to Lola for support.

I gave her a very stern look, for her to collaborate my made up story.

"Umm... yeah.. sure... that was what happened... um... it's exactly as she said... i guess." Lola replied with a scoff.

"You guess?!... I don't believe this! What do you guys take me for? A dunce or what? Come on!" L.D looked at Lola then he turned to look at me, trying to read my expression but i quickly looked away to avoid his gaze.

"You see!! Angel, you always do this... avoiding my gaze and all whenever you're keeping things away from me. You know i hate it when you hold back info. I don't like it." L.D sulked then he let go of my hand and turned his back on me.

"Olami, It's the truth. Soji didn't do anything. He was even consoling me when i broke down crying. He took really good care of me and..."

Lola interrupted me, feigning a sneez and coughing nonstop. I shot her a murderous look and she stopped coughing immediately. I felt like hitting her right across the face for being silly and childish.

Here i was, trying to do a 'damage control' which in fact could have been avoided had she not opened her big mouth to complicate the issue.

I went over to L.D and playfully tickled him till he started laughing. I was glad when his mood changed and we went back to our normal lively self.

"I'm sorry. But sincerly speaking, Soji was really nice to me. It's not what you're thinking... let's drop this issue and focus on you getting back on your feet. We have a lot to catch up." I soothe his hand.

"Hmm. Ok. That is what i'm looking forward to and..."

"Um.. umm..Excuse me, sir. We got an emergency buzz at our station. We would like to check the patient." Said one of the two nurses who rushed into the room as she interrupted L.D. She looked terrified as she spoke.

"And you are just coming? How long ago did you get the emergency buzz? My heart rate monitor went off like about 15mins ago and you just strolled in like Queen of Mazungu... to do what exactly? If it were really an emergency, that's how i would have died already! I know your plan! I know you hate my guts that's why you took your time so that by the time you get here i'll be dead but guess what? Your plan failed! I'm alive, hale and hearty... and i will continue to be alive! Eh shock you abi? Please, carry yourselves and go back to your nurse station, your service is not needed. Who did your emergency buzz help?" L.D replied the nurses rudely.

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