Chapter 23

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Nene's POV

My phone alarm suddenly went off, pulling me out of my sweet sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and i was all smiles when i realized that i still had my head resting on L.D's chest as we both laid on the couch which is wide enough to contain both of us.

I really don't know how i found myself laying down, the last thing i remembered before i dozed off was that i sat all cuddled up and resting my head on his shoulder.

I quickly put off my alarm, not wanting to disturb his sleep. Lifting up my head a bit, i stared at his sleeping face. As i took in all his facial features, i said mentally:

'Gosh! He's so handsome.'

Pulling out my phone slowly, i took a picture of him and smiled as i saved it on my phone. I got up slightly to see if he'll move or wake up and i was glad he didn't because i'd be so embarrassed to death if he opens his eye and catch me drooling and staring at him.

I kept on smiling as i watched him. I suddenly had the urge to trace his lips with my fore finger. I almost did but i restrained myself. So i moved forward a bit and pecked his cheek which was the 'wrongest' action to do because as i try to pull away, he stylishly moved his lips towards mine and captured them. We kissed passionately.

"I didn't... mean to... i thought... you were..." I began to say as soon as we pulled away from our passionate kiss.

"Asleep? Hmmm... I've been awake since..." He interjects with a wide smile.

I was so embarrassed that i attempted to get up and leave quickly but he pulled me back and said slowly:

"Stay! Don't go... just some minutes more... like this... please."

I relaxed my tensed nerves as we cuddled once more.  We laid like that for a very long time, with him giving me pecks and kisses from time to time.

After a while, L.D took in a deep breath, let out a long sigh and said:

"I miss you... i almost went crazy these past weeks... i meant what i said...i want you to be my girlfriend..."

My heartbeat went haywire as i heard his words. If only he knew how much i longed for him to repeat those words. I mentally thanked the creator for granting me this opportunity that i've prayed for.

Needless to say, i have so much self pride and i didn't want to give off a look of desperation so i slowly looked away and pretended to get off him. L.D pinned me down again and said:

"Please don't leave... is it a yes? Please tell me its a yes." He pleaded.

I was full aware that he wasn't able to see my face so i smiled slightly as he pleaded. Oh! How i wish he knew this was just a ploy to hear him beg. But i need to give him an answer quickly before it all goes south again.

With a straight face, i slowly turned to face him and i nod.

"Yes? I take the nod to mean yes... yes?!" He asked with so much hope.

"Yyyes." I replied slowly in a whisper.

"Yes! She said yes!" He yelled excitedly almost making me fall off him.

I giggled as he held on to me, keeping me from falling.

"I swear, you just made my day!" He said happily as he kissed me continuously.

"I'd like to take you out... let's go to anywhere you want... like a date... umm... we were suppose to go on dates before being a couple... let's make up for that... starting from today... i... i kinda want us to go out... like right now... and...."

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