Immortality Chapter Fifteen:

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Chapter Fifteen:

I woke up in a pair of strong arms and a slight snore in my ears. I looked around and noticed it was Chris that was holding me. I moved slowly out of his arms, making sure not to wake him up. He was lying in a chair very awkwardly. Okay, how to do this…? I slipped my paws on to the arm rest and hopped onto it, but being new at this, I over jumped it and landed face, or I should say, muzzle first into the wooden floor. Chris jumped out of sleep and look frantically around the place. He noticed I was on the ground and let out a breath of relief.

“You’re awake” he stated. I got up from my awkward position and start to trot around the room, trying to get used to being on four legs and not two. I smiled when I got the hang of it. Chris was watching me the whole time while I was roaming the room from his chair.

“This is so weird. My friend can turn into a cute fluffy fox.” He chuckled. I just shook my head. I felt my stomach gurgle. That made me freeze. What am I going to eat? Can I still eat normal human food? Would I crave for bloody meat instead? Eww I don’t want to eat raw meat. I look at Chris, how do I tell him I’m hungry?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked baffled.

I walked over to him and nibbled his leg, hopefully that would give him a clue. That didn’t really work well considering he kicked me in the stomach.

“Hey! What are you doing?” he shouted as I flew across the floor. I whimpered. That really hurt. The filled his features when he realized what he just done.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, Ronnie!” he got up and came towards me but I backed up because my animal was scared to get hurt again. A hiss came out of my mouth and Chris face paled and then pain filled it, “I’m so sorry Ronnie” he whispered. He tried to reach for me again but the animal in me growled. He pulled away again and took a step back. He scratched his head and looked around the room lost in thought. When the animal in me realized he wasn’t going to hurt me, I slowly felt the reins of control being handed back to me. So it looks like I have two minds in one body now…Great. I slowly walked towards his legs and weaved my way through them to tell him I forgiven him. He looked down at me startled at first and then he smiled a great big smile. My stomach growled again. I gave him a yelp and then shoved my head to my stomach. Astonishment crossed his face and then understanding.

“Oh you’re hungry! That’s why you bit me. You were just trying to tell me that.” Then guilt fleeted across his facial expression. I gave a yelp and tried to smile but that’s hard for an animal. He laughed and the rubbed my head. Oh it felt nice to be rubbed. I felt my throat rumbled from the vibration to it sounding. Little chirps left my mouth in content

“You like being pet?” he asked and then continued to give me a full back rub. I continued to chirp. My animal flipped us over to get a belly rub as well. He chuckled and rubbed the top part of my belly. When it gets too low for it to be uncomfortable my animal in me swipes his hand softly.

“Sorry” he said meekly and continued to rub the upper part of my belly. I continued to chirp. It’s basically what a cat does but instead of purring it’s sort of soft yelping chirp.

“Okay! All done!” he stated. I whined. I really did like that. He chuckled and lifted my up into his arms.

“If I remembered correctly someone wanted to be fed.” I yelped in response. When we reached the kitchen he stood there baffled.

“What am I going to feed you?” he questioned to himself. I’m good for anything. I walked around the room and slowly started to sniff everything. Mmm…so many interesting smells! Oh I love the smell of the cupboards! So woodsy and smells like outside!

I want to go outside

…Outside equals play field

…this equals animals

…this equals hunting


I charged for the front door. I tried to stop but the floor was slippery underneath my paws and I skidded into the door. I sprawled awkwardly on the ground. Chris laughed so hard from where his was standing. I scrambled back up onto my paw and yelped.

“You want to go outside now? What happened to wanting food?” He asked.

Food is outside! A thought appeared in my head. It was then that I realized the Animal (I should really give her a name) took over my mind for a second. I shook my head trying to shake her off.

Mine! I shouted at her.

She growled in my mind.

Mine! You preyed on me! I fight back my body! She shouted.

I growled, but then I realized loudly.

“Are you okay Ronnie?” Chris asked me. I shook my head over and over again.

Mine Body! My mind! You took from me! She shouted.

No! My mind! I have control. Back off! I shouted back.

Never! She hissed. She took control and pushed me into transformation. I yelped and seized to my strength to get through this transformation.

“Ronnie!” Chris shouted. He was by my side in an instant.

“What’s going on?”

I felt my bone creaked and crack by the amount of pressure and soon I was transformed back into my bare human body. Chris stared at me in wonder. Then he blushed realizing I was naked.

“I’ll…go get you clothes.” He muttered and left. I tried to cover myself as best I could with my hands. He came back running with large clothes in his hands.

“They probably won’t fit, but at least it’s something. I put his shirt over my hand and quickly put on his sweatpants.

“Thanks” I said meekly.

“So what happened there?” he asked curiously.

“Well…As crazy as this sound…I was fighting with my animal?” I said as if it were a question.

“Your Animal?” He looked shocked.

“Yes…She thinks I stole her body and mind and she wants to get it back.”

You did steal my body! She shouted I cringed. Damn she didn’t leave.

“She?” he said.

“Yes…I don’t know her name though”

Misha. Now give back body. I give back mind! Deal? She stated.

I don’t know how, Misha.

You took it away from me, you can give it back!

I DON’T KNOW HOW!!! I shouted it back.

“Is she giving you troubled?” Chris asked worriedly.

“Yea, but I’ll deal with Misha later.” I said.

“Misha?” he questioned.

“Yea, she told me her name.”

“Oh…Well you were hungry so let’s make you food.”

“That I can agree on” I said with a smile.

Me too.

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