Chapter 31 The Curse of Power

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Mikayla Golden:

She would be asleep soon. I need to convince her to die! She very important apparently to the Fates. Angels shouldn’t make people die, but here I am on an errand to convince Brianna Waters to die. What do the Fates even want with her? I sighed while I stood in the between worlds. I felt another presence here. Something dark. Could it be? The shadow opened up, letting the new comer into this realm. I was right. Stand before me is the enemy. A Dark Angel. I gulped. I just graduated Angel training and I never seen a Dark Angel before. It scared me.

“Well, well, well. Who do we have here? An Angel. Could it be? Do we both want the same thing?” the Dark Angel spoke.

“Maybe, like I know what your doing here?” I rolled my eyes. The Dark Angels flew over to me and held me against the wall chocking me. I took a real good look at him. Dark black hair, red piercing eyes, palest skin you would ever see, all characteristics of a Dark Angel. He sent me a smile showing off his fangs to me.

“You know, I could kill you right here, right now”

I narrowed my eyes, “Why don’t you?”

“Cause we’re both here for Brianna, I want to see who she would pick,” he let go of me, “Well here she comes” the shadow opened up and a figure came here. Brianna Waters.

“Why Hello Brianna” The Dark Angel spoke.

“Who are you?” she said to the Dark Angel. Now here is my advantage. I visit Brianna often, so she has a vague idea of who I am.

“I’m someone you would get to know very well if you chose to come with me. As you see little girl, you have two choices” This may not be good.

“Your first choice is to come with me. You’ll become what I am and you would be able to live on Earth, see your friends and live like you normally do. The second choice is to go with her and become a Angel, you would never be able to see your friends again and you wont be able to go back to the Earth plane.” The way he put it, it makes my option lame. That was probably the point.

“If you chose me Bree, you become a Guardian and you be able to save all the lives you want, including your friends, he lied about see your friends, you just wont be able to communicate with them” I said. She looks back and forth between us. Contemplating on what to choose.

“But, you be able to save and talk to your friends if you choose to come with me” the Dark Angel said.

“Yea, and become evil, so she wouldn’t care about her friends anymore if she chooses you” I muttered under my breath. All of the sudden I was smashed to the wall. Angry red eyes stared down at me. He started choking me. Choking me doesn’t kill me; it just makes me very uncomfortable.

“This is your warning Angel, If you don’t shut up I’ll kill you” he hissed. He put his head near my neck and breathed in. fear shook through me. Understanding his threat I nodded. He let go of me. I slid to the ground and stayed quiet. I’m pathetic I can’t even defend myself. When I get a subject how would I defend them?

“What would you like Brianna? Choice number 1 or 2? She stared at me with wide eyes, she wants to pick me, but she’s knows it would be the wrong one. I pleaded with my eyes to her. Pick me. Pick me. She nodded and faced the Dark Angel, “I choose option number,” she dragged on to tease him.

“Pick now, you brat” The Dark Angel hissed at her.

“2” she spoke with confidence. The shadows opened and started to suck Brianna and I out of the in-between realm.

“You’ll pay for this Angel!” The Dark Angel yelled. Brianna screamed as we went through to the tunnel to Heaven. I knew where we were going. We’re going to see the Fates.

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