Chapter 13 The Curse of Power

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A/N: New Chapter! Sorry I won't be uploading until monday, I am away for the weekend. Sorry! Enjoy this Chap though. Sorry it's a bit short!



“I need to get some clothes on,” I said.

“You don’t need, you just want. I like you naked” Austin said. Dimi went over to him and punched him, while I try to kick his nuts, but I missed and caught him on his leg, close enough.

He raised his hands up, “I surrender! I’ll keep my dirty mind in my head”

“Still wont work, I’ll be able to see it”

“Whose fault is that?”

“Most defiantly not mine”

“Guys stop it. This will not get you anywhere,” Schuyler yelled.

“Schuyler can you get me some clothes and put it in the bathroom?”

“How are you going to take a shower, with Austin? I will not let you do that.” Dimi demand.

“Not shower, bubble bath. And do you mind to get me a towel, Schuyler?”

“Sure,” she left the room, while with one hand place on Austin shoulder; I pulled the blanket around me. Schuyler came back into the room with a towel and Austin’s clothes.

“Put it on, Austin” she said.

“Fine” he said.I put the towel around me first, then I grabbed for his ankle. After he put his shirt on I grabbed for his arm so he can put on his jeans. I grabbed his hand and went for the door but Dimi was blocking it.

“I’m not letting you go, Bree”

“I need to clean myself up, maybe if you didn’t notice, I ripped hair out of my head and it was bleeding. I need to clean it out”

“Can’t you wait until the ceremony? I don’t trust him in the bathroom with you alone”

“I can handle myself, Dimi. Now stop being protective and move aside” he stared at me for a long time, but finally move. While we were walking out the door, Dimi grabbed Austin’s arm, “If you do anything to her in there. I promise you I will beat the shit out of you. Got it?”

“Dimitri, don’t threaten him. I think he can be respectful to Bree” Schuyler said, but Dimi ignored her and stared at Austin, “understood?” Austin gave him a short nod and I dragged him to the bathroom and lock the door.

“Now, take off your shirt, so I have something to hold while I’m in the tub” I said.

“Or you just want to see my abs again?” he gave me a crooked smile.

“As if!”

“I know you want me.”

“Think what you like,”

“Oh I know what I’m thinking, and damn I have such an amazing body, who would want this manly goodness” he started to flex his arm.

“What you have no names for them?”

“Oh yes, my left’s one is Beauty and my right’s one is Beast. You totally want me now don’t you baby?”

I rolled my eyes, “Sure I want you. Will you take it off now?”

“Since you admit you want me, sure thing baby.” He takes off his shirt. I sighed; I just might be falling for Beauty and Beast. I chuckled.

I walk to the tub with him in tow and turn it on and put some bubble soap in it. I was about to turn when Austin grabs my face and kissed me. I felt so good, soft, and warm with a hint of fierceness in it. I kissed him back. He grabbed me around the waist and plots me on the counter so he wouldn’t have to bend so far down.His arms doing rotation around my back giving me warm chills down my spine, while I tussled his golden blond hair with my hands. It felt so good. Wasn’t I supposed to do something? Hmm…I don’t care anymore. Dimi will be happy for me. That’s stopped me. I turn my head so he kissed my cheek and pull away. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I can’t do this. Didn’t I just promise Dimi I’d handle myself?”

“You did, but it felt good didn’t it?” I looked to the tub to see it done.

I walk to it and turn it off, without answering I said, “Turn around and sit on the floor and don’t look” he obeyed. I took off my towel and stepped into the tub, with my hand on Austin’s shoulder. I washed my body first with one handed because it was the easiest, then I dunked my head. It felt good. I groaned with pleasure.

“Would you stop that? You making me want to coming in the tub”

“Don’t you dare”

“I wont if you stop”

“Fine I’ll stop”

I washed my hair and dunked it under but it got caught on something. Completely forgetting to keep touching, I let go of Austin and went into full pain underwater. My arms flapped around. I can’t breathe, with my hands as fast as I could get my hair unstuck and lifted my head, gasping for air. Austin grabbed for me, but I beat it to him. I gasp for my breath, Austin was doing the same thing, breathing. When he finally got his breath he said, “don’t freak out, but I’m going to reach in the tub and grab your ankle, so we don’t have to go through that again” I nodded then I remembered that he couldn’t see it. I tried to say yes but it was stuck in my throat. I needed more air. He grabbed my ankle anyways and turned around to see why I wasn’t saying anything. When he did that it brought my leg up and dragged me under again. I gulped some water and couldn’t breathe. The soap started to burn my throat. It was worst this time. Austin hand grabbed around my arm and pulled me up and pretty much out of the tub in one motion. I gasped and cough water out of my lungs. Austin grabbed my towel wrapped around me and gently patted my back. I finally got my breath back and Austin pulled me into his lap and I leaned against his chest, not caring that I was getting his jeans all wet. He reached for another towel with his super long arms and put it on top of my head and rubbed it around. Making a mess out of my hair but at least he was drying it for me. I felt sleepy now. Something like that can take its toll on you pretty quickly. When he noticed I was half asleep. He stood up bring me up with him and sat me on the counter with my back against the wall, he grabbed down to the floor with his hand now on my ankle and picked up my clothes that fell and started to dress me. A knocked came on the door when he was almost done dressing me.

“You guys okay in there?” someone said on the other side

“Yea we are!” Austin yelled and he puts on my shirt and half dragging me, half carrying me out the door.

“Oh my god, what’s wrong with her? What did you do to her?” Schuyler yelled at Austin. I was too tired to speak, but Austin can defend himself, “I didn’t do anything. We lost contact once because I think Bree was underwater and her hair caught on to something and I ask her she was okay after I grabbed hold of her ankle and I by accident dragged her under again when I turned to see what’s wrong, but she’s will be fine, after I put her in bed”

“You going to be so bored”

“Yea, I know, I’ll read a book or something. Dimitri can’t know because he will actually beat the shit out of me. He is very protective.”

“Fine I wont tell him, but he’s going to find out from her”

“I know she understands it was a accident and defend me”

“Okay, want me to get you a book?”

“Yea, but not anything girly please because I don’t want to be in more torture”

Schuyler laughed and walks off and that's all I heard because I fell limped into Austin's arms and fell asleep.

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