Immortality: Chapter Six:

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A/N: Hi Guys..........sorry that it took me soooo long to upload, I've been really busy with school and holidays,I know my apology is pretty pathetic, but it's true, so I'm sorry. here is the new chapter. There is a couple of swear words, sorry for that to anyone that gets offended.I hope you enjoy it though :D

I was walking down the hallway when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw that it was Carter. Oh no. He didn’t say a word and started to drag me down the hallway. Soon he pushed me into a janitor and locked me in. What is he doing? I started to shout for him to unlock this door. I jiggled to handle to find it to break off. I stared at it dumbfounded. What am I supposed to do! I kept banging on the door. It’s 2:30 and Mr. Walter wants me gone at 9 how am I supposed to do that if I’m locked in a closet. I banged on the door a few times as hard as I could, and that’s a lot of strengths, but it wouldn’t budge. Why is Carter doing this to me? I don’t know. I slid to the ground and leaned against the door. Hopefully someone would come and get me out. A tune got stuck in my head and I slowly started to muttered that lyrics. I muttered the lyrics over and over again. I heard this song about fifteen years ago and yet to this day I remembered a song from back then and it happened to be a Taylor Swift song. I looked around my surrounding and found nothing amusing about. It’s like any ordinary closet. I repeated that tune and slowly lullaby myself to sleep.

I woke up in the same closet a couple of hours later. Slowly standing up to stretch my legs I banged onto the door for no use. They wont find me. I kept banging though until I felt my hand start slowly break of how hard I was punching the door. I stop, considering I don’t want to endure a broken hand for the next couple hours. How is this door still standing, I do not know, but I just want to get out. I start kicking and slamming my body into the door and yet it still won’t budge. What is going on?

I threw my hands into the air, “I give up!” I shouted to no one. I slumped back down to the floor and mindlessly started to bang my head against the door. It won’t help, but it’s something to do. Why is this happening to me? I stared at the wall across the closet blankly. I just have to be patient, just be patient. They will find you soon enough. I repeated those thoughts over and over to give me some comfort. I closed my eyes to rest them, but I was still aware of my surroundings. Footsteps passed me and I banged on the door. They kept walking by. I sighed. Soon multiple footsteps passed by and I stood up and banged. I was yelling as loud I could and yet they seem to not hear me for some reason. I slammed my hand one last time at the door and then let it slump beside me. I leaned my head against the door and sighed in defeat. I sat like that for a couple of minutes before a bang on the door vibrated through me and made me yelp in surprise.

“Carter, Where is she?” I heard my brother’s voice on the other side.

“I don’t know, Dimitri” he sneered. I would start banging again, but first I like to see where this is going to lead too.

“Don’t lie to me! I know you did something,” my brother shouted. There was another bang onto the door.

“Why do you care so much? It’s just a student,” Carter calmly stated.

There was no reply to that.

“Is it because she reminds you so much of Bree?” he sneered my name. What the hell did I do? I didn’t hear Dimi’s answer.

“You know, it’s all your fault she died, everyone blames you. So do everyone a favour and leave” Carter exclaimed.

“It wasn’t my choice and you know that. Why do you hate me so much?” Dimi sneered.

“Because she made my family so happy and complete for once and you let that slip away through your own fingers,” Carter shouted. I put my hand to my mouth and stared dumbfounded at the door. That’s why he is so mean to me. I remind him of the old me. Everyone had seem to move on, what is Carter getting at?

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