Chapter 19 The Curse of Power

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We arrived in Burks Falls. Very small, only has a population of a 1000 people. I shook Bree awake. She had a hard time coming about, but she finally managed an hour ago, but fell asleep again. This time she flew up and hit her head on the roof.

“OWW!” she screamed. I burst out laughing. Wow it’s so good to laugh again. She gave me the glare, which made me laugh more. That put a smile on her face. She rubbed her face, “god where are we? Can we buy some pain killers?”

“We’re in Burks Falls and if we find a store” I said.

“Finally, I word on where we are” Sage exclaimed.

Sitting across Bree was Dimitri and they shared their looks. He might not be able to read minds, but they are good at silent messaging. Even though I know what there saying. They’re so good they understand each other. Bree mouth opens like she was saying oh now I get it.

“Well, here is the only motel here, lets get signed in.” Darren said. He parked the car. Darren and Schuyler took turns driving. Even though Sage knew how to drive, we didn’t want to tell her where we are going. Everyone got out, took their bags and headed in. when I realized Bree wasn’t beside me anymore I turned around and saw that she was still outside and was heading across the street. Where the hell is she going? I look back to see everyone on the counter and ran out and followed Bree.


As we were checking in. men in black with masks swarmed us.

“We need to take you in” the one at the front said.

“Uh, what?” Schuyler said.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” said the front one again. Darren and I look at each other and knew we’re both taking the hard way. We both charge for the door they were blocking. Schuyler was smart and took the opportunity and run for the back exit and Sage was just standing there.

“I guess it’s the hard way, boys get them,” then he spoke in a walky-talky, “the girl is taking the back exit, surround her.” The leader I guess demanded. I slipped through a guy arms, Darren wasn’t so lucky and got drugged I started to see burns on him but that must be my imagination. I kept dodging them, but I knew I was out numbered. I kept going anyways. I was almost at the door when I got hit by a taser, or that’s what it felt and I fell too the floor. I saw Sage with arms wide open and saw blue electricity coming out of her hands. So that’s what got me. My body stopped shaking. I tried to stand up and run. I almost made it to my feet when I was knocked down again, but this time from somebody. His touch burned my back. He drugged me and I fell to the darkness.


I ran to the back exit and thought better of it and took the stairs. There must be an emergency exit. I can’t believe I’m running away. I need to go save Darren. I took my last look back and saw that Darren was on the floor full of burns and Dimitri getting shocked by Sage. Am I seeing clearly? It’s coming out of her hands! I turned around and took the stairs two at a time and made it to the second landing. I was glad to see the exit sign. I ran for it. I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs. I opened the door then ran back to the stairs doorway and hid behind the door so they will think I took the exit. They opened the door and ran straight passed me. There are only two of them. I slipped back in to the stairwell and climbed up to the third landing, which was the roof. I opened the door; gladly it wasn’t locked or stuck. I turned around and found a lock on it. It was a good old bar in the slot kind and it was heavy, but I managed it get it in the slot, and then I went to the edge and saw Bree and Austin leaving the store. When did they leave us? Whatever. I screamed in my head and wave my arms. Bree hands went to her head and Austin was cringing. I guess I screamed loud enough. When they finally realized it was coming from me. They began to look around.

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