Immortality Chapter Thirteen:

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Chapter Thirteen:

I stared at the lady in front of me confuse.

“You want me to take a quiz to determine my animal?” I asked skeptical.

“Yes and would you please follow me into the room,” the lady was clearly getting annoyed.

“Wait, they said I could pick my own animal though?” I pointed to the door behind me.

“Yes, they did, but do you know how many animals they are out in the world? It’s best for you to take the quiz and find an animal that suits you, if your options aren’t what you wanted then we can do some more testing, now listen to me and follow me,” the lady explain. I compelled.

I stared down at my results in disbelief:




There must be a mistake, these results suck except for Hawk that seems pretty cool, but they’re not very good fighters, if you know what I mean. I looked up at the lady and she obviously saw the disbelief look on my face and sighed.

“I’m guessing were doing more testing?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Okay well since the written test didn’t obviously approved to your expectations, we will have a physical test. Follow me,” the lady explains. I followed her into the room. The room was big and spacious and empty. No windows and only one door which I heard close behind me. I turned around and notice she left the room and walked up to the door. I pulled. Locked. Figures. I turned around and scanned the surroundings. Right before my eyes the big room turned into a forest. Like the one in Haliburton, except it was nighttime and I could hardly see anything beyond 2 feet in front of me. I cautiously took a step and had to immediately duck cause something was thrown at me. Holy shit. I dropped on to my knees and crawled to the nearest tree. I put my back to the tree and look where a thing was toss at me. It looked like a lump on the ground from where I was. I crawled towards the bushes and crept my way towards it. When I got to the lump I recognize it as a bag. I reached for it and felt my way to the zipper. I lifted everything close to my face to see what it was. Rope, water bottle, matches, a little bundle of dry sticks, rain coat, sleeping bag, loaf of bread, and two cans of food. Is this a survival test? I put everything into the bag and slowly got to my feet. I took a step and this time nothing was thrown at me. I started my trek into this forest. First thing in the morning I have to find water. I looked around for big trees and during my five-minute trek I finally found one that would hold my weight. I grabbed for the branch and realize I was just a few inches too short. I sighed. I took a few feet back. I ran towards the tree and used the base of the tree to me push my way to the branch. I tried this a few times and finally got my hand wrapped around the branch. I then swung my legs back and forth until I have enough momentum to swing my legs up and wrapped it around the branch. I managed to make myself onto the branch and started to make my way up the tree. Maybe I am a monkey. I climb high enough that I felt safe that nothing could be thrown at me, but not high enough if the winds started to pick up I would be flown off. I tied the rope from my bag around my waist and around the tree so I wouldn’t fall off. When that was secured and let myself start to drift.

I woke up the next day still in this virtual realm. I climbed down the tree and continue my search for water. I continue my way straight, hoping I was going north. I look around the forest. They did a good job on making this realistic. I could hear the birds chipping and the little animals scurrying away in their little homes in their trees. It’s beautiful here. I stop to take a break. I reached for my backpack and grab the loft of bread and ate half of it. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here so I’m going to eat my food slowly and drink as much water as I can, that’s if I find a water stream or lake. After having my little break, I continued to walk, looking around me and making sure I pick landmarks so I know how to get back if I needed to. The sun was in the middle of the sky when I started to hear running water. My water bottle was empty now and my mouth was starting to dry. I used my ears and followed them to the little stream. I grabbed my water bottle from my pack and put it in the stream to fill. I drank and drank until I felt my stomach become bloated. I sat back and relaxed. With the sun shinning down and belly heavy with water, my eyes started to drift close slowly, until I stopped feeling the sun on me and stopped hearing noise around me. I drifted to sleep.

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