Chapter 9 The Curse of Power

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It’s lunch and I haven’t touched my spoon to eat the soup they are serving. It’s not their food, its great, but I’m nervous. What Austin told me in class really shook me up. I want to get it over and done with. What is he going to do to me? Why am I such a baby? I need to man up. Whatever that means. I’m twirling my thumbs and looking at the circle motion of it. I close my eyes and feel the pattern, the soft thumbs going around and around softly hitting each other. This relaxes me, but not for long, because I always need to open my eyes and answer Dimi questions and hear his demands.

“Bree, eat something. This isn’t good for you. Why are you so nervous? And don’t say your not ‘cause everyone can see it on your face” Dimi said.

“I’m just not hungry, I’m fine” I mumble the words.

“Your not fine, Bree. Something’s up, tell me please,” Dimi demanded.

“I’m fine Dimi, just have things on my mind, that you should be hearing”

“All I hear is how relax you are when you close your eyes and twirl your thumbs. Why aren’t you telling me?”

“’Cause its nothing Dimi. I’m just not hungry”

“Are you nervous for this afternoon?” Dimi asked

I didn’t answer, but that gave the answer he was looking for.

“Its going to be fine, Bree. Right everyone?” Dimi looked at the people around the table and everyone except for Austin and Darren nodded.

“Right?” Dimi growled to get them to nod just for me.

Austin and Darren slowly drooped their heads into a small nod, but that didn’t mean anything. Since they both are like me that means I should listen to them more then the others. Later today they said they’d teach me to block my thoughts because they said it’s important, especially for me.

I nodded to just cheer Dimi and smile that didn’t touch my eyes because I’m scared as hell now because Darren knows something too as well.



Why is Bree so nervous? She has been like this since we got back into math. Austin must’ve sent her something that shook her up? Maybe. Her aura is navy blue, but very close to black. That’s truly not good. Hopefully she will feel better when this session this afternoon is over. I have to wait. Mr. Jefferson wants to see us one at a time, but he said its just for today and they other days, since we only have to meet him twice times a week, we’ll be together and make things faster since we share the same powers except Bree is much more powerful. I still can’t get that glass vase shattering out of my head. That shocks me, made me think if it was dangerous for me to be around. I found out my answer. I kept to my thoughts and tried Bree’s relaxation thing but that didn’t work because I don’t understand how that makes you relax, it just confused me. So I tapped and shook my legs and foot. I got something to be scared of, really only that Mr. Jefferson said something really weird this morning and I didn’t understand it, but that’s it. I can see Bree’s aura from here and its full of anger, mostly towards herself. Mr. Jefferson might be strong at barriers, but that didn’t stop me from hearing the conversation in the other room…

Why am I full of anger? Is it because I was scared of this man? Maybe I should be? He’s asking me very personal questions as well.

“When was the first time you realized something strange was happening?” Mr. Jefferson asked.

“When I was 10, sir”

“What made you realized it?”

“I heard and saw Dimitrius thoughts and aura, then the next day I saw everyone’s aura, but not thoughts. That came when I was 15 sir”

“You know you and Dimitrius received your powers early, Dimitrius not so early, but you got it when your were 10. You know what that means Brianna?”

“No, sir. I do not”

“You will become very powerful and won’t be able to control that much power. Good thing we been able to pick you up because something terrible could’ve happened.”

“I know sir, my mother told me” I sneered, hate saying those words.

“Did you tell your brother or any of your foster family when you got your powers?”

“Just my brother sir, they didn’t know, but I had a impression that Kathy knew a bit”

“Are you disappointed that you received this gift?”

“Gift? You really think this is a gift? I call it a curse, who wants to have these powers? Being different sucks and I have to deal with it now”

Mr. Jefferson wrote some more notes and looked up into my face, studying me. I stared blankly into his golden eyes of his. How do hazel eyes do that? But I put that at the back of my head. I wonder if Dimi is listening to this? I hope he is, to see how boring his will be.

“How come you think this is a curse? You could achieve great things, after you learn to control them” now that pissed me off. Now I have high expectation in this hellhole that I have to achieve. Perfect, just perfect. How am I supposed to live I normal life after I leave.

“Your kidding right? You seriously want me to answer that?”

“Of course, isn’t that the reason why I asked it?” I sent him dagger eyes. he stared back at me calmly, that just peak my anger even more.

“You better calm down Ms. Quinn before you do something you regret.”

He did not just call me that.

I stood up and yelled in his face, “My name is Brianna Waters, Not Brianna Quinn!” he didn’t react, only to mutter something under his breath.

“Your brother listening to your thoughts at this moment, might as well bring him in and calm you down,” Mr. Jefferson reaches for the intercom…

“What would you like me to call you son? Mr. Wetmore, or Mr. Quinn?” the assistant asked.

"Mr. Wetmore will do, Ma'am" I replied.

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