Chapter 17 The Curse of Power

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A/N: Hey Guys I'm back! Whoo! So this chapter it long but it's a good chapter. Enjoy!


I woke up to quickly. My eyes are unfocused. Are we there or is it just one of those stops? My neck hurts. I can barely move it. Note to self: never sleep on Bree while on a bus, train, airplane, etc… I sit straight and rub my neck with my hands. Trying to get all the knots out of it.

“Finally your awake, it’s been like 5 hours since I actually talk to someone,” Bree glanced at me smiling. I look behind me to see they all gone to sleep and Austin still on her shoulder. He’s going to regret that decision. Bree looked revealed to move her arm again and ran her hand through her wavy blond mess of hers that she never got to brush. I reach over and pluck a twig out of her hair. She looked embarrassed. I laughed silently and kissed her forehead. A waitress came by and said, “this is your stop” we nodded and she walked off. She was a cute waitress; too bad I can’t get her number. I stare at her as she walked to the back and disappeared behind the door. Bree hit me in the stomach, “Come on wake the others up already,” I smiled, and woke them up. All of them are droopy and lazy. It took a while to get off, but we finally manage. The bus driver got mad at us and threatens us, but we’re off now. Bree went to the big map posted on the wall and dragged her finger across it on a bus pass, to another one, to another on, until she stopped to where there is one close to Vaughan, then she looked to see a train close there that takes us to Huntsville. I know where were going now. I look at the prices; we’re going to have enough for 4 people. Shit. Bree did her frustration sign and ran her fingers through her hair, but kept her hand there.

“You know where we’re going?” she asked me.

“Yea, your planning to split aren’t you?” she nodded her head, “we have to, I’ll hitchhike with someone, while you take the train and bring them there. It’s the only way to do it”

Austin came and put his arms around her waist. I really hope he doesn’t hurt her because I swear to hurt him back. He lifted his arms as in the surrender position, hinting that he got my message. Then he put one arm around her shoulder.

“So what’s the plan?” he asked.

She sighed, “we going to need to split when we get into Vaughan”

Austin nodded, seems a little disappointed but the news, but not too much. “Who’s going with who?” he asked.

“I’m going on the train with three other people, while Bree goes with someone and hitchhike to Huntsville” I said. He nodded, “I’ll go with Bree, while you take Darren, Schuyler, and Sage.”

“Not likely” I said. Bree glared at me, sending me a message in my head, you can’t tell me what to do with my life. Stop protecting me. I can handle Austin.

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head no. I’m not giving up this fight.

“Fine, I’ll take Darren and Sage then, so we have more money, and you could take Schuyler and Austin. Just saying, Austin and I are together, like you are with Schuyler. I’m dealing with it and you should too,” Bree said. She took Austin’s arm off of her and stormed to the bathroom to clean up. Schuyler and me? Together? What is she talking about?

“She’s talking about how you pretty much made out with Schuyler in front of her” Austin said.

“I’d never do that to her or that I made out with Schuyler,” I said. Austin gave me a confused look, and then realization took over it. He groaned, “oh no”

“Oh no what?” I asked.

“What do you know about Schuyler’s powers?”

I thought about it, “I only know that she is struggling”

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