Chapter 4 The Curse of Power

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A/N: Again short chapter. most of the chapters will be small, like a page for now on. well i still hope you like it still. Vote, Comment, or become a fan :P i'm going to try something. if you want the next chapter i have to get at least 10 votes. (i'm starting small) and trust me i think you would like to meet more of the main characters. Opps! :P i hope you like it! sorry this is not revise since i write these in like a day or two. So sorry for the bad grammer. Enjoy!



“I know your mad and just want to go home, but we’re at a crises at the moment Brianna, if we let you go, you could kill somebody and same with you Dimitrius,” Mrs. Quinn said, I am not calling her mom.

“What crises is in that, Mrs. Quinn, I can get my powers under control and so can Dimi, so I don’t understand, is that why are we here and why are you sending us to crazy kids house when we’re not going crazy?” I asked her.

“I know you’re in denial, but you could at least call me mom―”

“I am never calling you mom,” I interrupted.

“Okay, it’s crises because the older you are the more harder it is to control your powers, you’re so strong at the moment already because the first moment when I entered the room you knew that I was going to send you to Mr. Mandy’s place and I didn’t even tell you that and you threw a glass vase towards a window without meaning too. You’re telepathic. Incredible. Very common though but incredible on how you reach changing gravity so quickly. It just amuses me so much. I’m leaving now since you know what’s going to happen and there’s no way of getting out.” Mrs. Quinn and her helper got up and left us in this room. Alone again.

“What have we gotten ourselves into?” I asked to myself but Dimi answered anyways,

“I don’t know, but I now know its real bad.”


“Are you tired?” Dimi asked

I thought about it, “yea I am even though we just woke up, you?” I looked at him confused, “yea I am, I think she put something in our tea because your aura’s brown again”

“Well, I would say a color about your aura but you’re the only person I can’t read”

“That’s funny if you think about it, I can only read your mind and aura and no one else and you can’t read my mind and aura but you can read anyone else’s”

“That is quite funny” my eyes stared to blurs. Dimi yawns. We both started to climb to the top of the bed but I think we both went under way before we reached it.

(At the same time)


We were all at the dinner table, worried about Bree. Where is she? All of the sudden I became dizzy and droopy and I blacked out, falling into my Mac & Cheese. Cheese now all over my face and in my hair, but I don’t remember a thing.



I woke up to be in a new room by myself. Where’s Bree? Did they split us apart? I closed my eyes to see if I can reach in to her head and I see her thoughts and what she is seeing…

I looked over to my roommate; I was so confused, is she my roommate, or she came here to wake me up? She probably knocked and I didn’t hear her. Where Dimi? Is he okay?

“Hey, your confused I know, but I’m going to try again and be friendly with you okay? So don’t attack me this time.” The girl, that’s on the ground now, which was so not my fault. She scared me, it’s really not my fault, I hate getting woken up by a yell, reaches over to shake my hand but I just looked at it.

“I’m Schuyler and I’m your roommate and you are…let me guess Brianna and the other boy is Dimitrius, am I correct?” she smiled at me, trying to be friendly. I nodded.

“Breakfast is soon let’s get you ready to meet everyone” I got up, how is she crazy?

…I pulled myself out when I hear a knock on the door.

“Can I come in?” a deep voice on the other side of the door asked.

“Sure, I think the door is open”

A boy with golden hair and golden hazel eyes who is so tall, but lean came in. how the hell does he have a voice that deep. He smiled.

“Learn to shield you thoughts dude, I can hear you quite clearly.” Awe shit. He laughed.

“I get it you new at it, I’m Austin by the way,” he grabbed my hand and shook it. I’m just glad Bree is okay.

“Brianna you sister right? ‘Cause she smoking hot, no offence,” he read my mind

“None taken’, but if you break her heart, I’ll break your face. Just want to let you know”

“Oh, your protective, trust me I wont do anything, apparently to Schuyler thoughts she’s quiet and very independent and can hurt you pretty badly Schuyler’s still complaining.”

“She’s just shy at first, but she better when she knows she feels safe, which at this point she will be very grumpy for now and might hurt anyone if they get on her bad side.” I laugh to myself.

“Well I came here well, first to meet and help you on your first day and to tell you it’s breakfast”

“Okay thanks, how many girls and guys are here?”

“Well only three guys and two girls, sorry dude. It’s a competition.”

“Darn I guess I have to be my charming self and win the girl, Schuyler right? I hope she’s hot” I smile.

"I knew i would like you" and he left the room without giving any hints.

The Curse Of PowerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant