Chapter 12 The Curse of Power

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A/N: So at first this chapter was spilt in two, but they both were to short so i decided to put them together. I hope you enjoy!



I’m going to ask her out. Yeah, it’s the only way I’ll ever know if she likes me. It’s been only a day and I can’t even live without her for a few hours. Has she grown on me that quick? I can’t believe it, but at the same time I do. She has the best personality ever and she has such a soft curvy body. I know she doesn’t think that, but man, it’s an incredible body. I wonder what those soft full lips would feel against mine. I’m falling into lust just thinking what I do to her in bed. I got jabbed in the ribs by Darren.

“Why did you do that?” I whispered.

“You thoughts are very loud and I don’t want to know what you do with Bree in bed.”

“Sorry, I’ll try to keep it down.” I’m embarrassed now. I better be careful.

We were getting ready to leave and go home when a fight started to happen across the room. Its my type of fighting, you know what mean? I mean fistfight. I started to walk over there just to join. I haven’t fought in years. That urge of my fist contacting one of those faces would be the best. Darren grabbed my arm and pulled me back harshly. I threw him a punch, which he dodge easily and punched me in the stomach. I doubled over.

“Boys! Boys! Stop fighting right now! Lets get to the car.” I heard Mrs. Mason yelled, I got up and walk 3 steps before I landed myself back on the ground.

“Get up Mr. Jackson, we need to leave,”

But I didn’t care because I couldn’t move. I was into much pain, but its not my stomach, its my head? Darren didn’t hit me in the head. Where is the agony coming from? I didn’t know if I was screaming or not, but I didn’t care. The pain is excruciating, my power building up, it’s too much, and where is all the power coming from? The agony, make it stop, just make it stop…


My head hurts. It started with a small buzzed, but its getting worst. I started to hearing screaming, but didn’t know if that was I or someone’s thought I’m hearing. I fell off the couch and hugged my head.

“Make it stop!” I yelled.

“Make what stop? Bree, I don’t know what’s happening? What is it?”

“Make it stop! Just make the screaming go away!”

“Nobody screaming but you Bree”

Who the hell is screaming like that? I can’t take it, it hurts, and it hurts. Just make it stop.

“I’m going to call Mrs. Devour” Dimi ran to the phone and dial. I don’t care if he thinks calling would help. All I care is for this screaming to stop…

Mrs. Devour:

I heard my cell phone ring. Oh not now! I knew the ring tone was from the manor. Mr. Wetmore or Ms. Waters are calling. I don’t have time to talk with them. I have to figure why Mr. Jackson is on the floor whimpering, clutching his head with his dear life. The call could be important. I’ll just answer it then see what they want, and then I’ll fix this. I take the cell phone out of my purse.

The Curse Of PowerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ