Chapter 16 The Curse of Power

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God we been walking for nearly 7 hours. Its 5 am in the morning and grey light started to show. I’m getting tried and I think were lost. We can go back but that would mean walking for another 6 hours and have a chance walking into those horrible disgusting my mom said i can go if i could get a ride

dogs and people with guns. We heard about 5 shots, but that was hours ago. My stomach started to growl and my eyes drooped. I need to stop but we need to keep going we have to. I hope Austin was smart enough to go on the bus and not wait. I touched my new necklace. I hope he’s safe and everybody else.

“You worried?” Darren asked.

“About many things, is this safe? Just taking the ring and necklace and putting it on?”

“Well, are you in excruciating pain?”

“No, but what if this doesn’t last for ever?” Darren didn’t answer right away he was thinking. “Well from what I read is that if the colours are still changing means you aren’t bonded yet, but when it chooses a colour that’s your bonded colour and you will be called the lady’s colour, but it takes time and you can’t take it off.”

“Oh” we kept walking. Minutes passed, maybe hours. Who knows? We decided to stop when we saw this small open cave. It was 7:30. It was a tight squeeze with both of us in there but finally we got comfortable, well I did, I don’t know about Darren since I was pretty much laying on him. I fell asleep instantly.


Its 9am, where are they? I hope they didn’t get caught. I know Bree is alive because I can feel her in my ring. Sage seems helpful. She gave us a ride and got our bus tickets and we can’t get her off our tails so we finally gave in and let her come with us. They’re something weird about her. She has blue doe eyes and always looks like she’s going to cry, but not. She has curly brown hair that just passed her shoulder blades. She’s a bit chunky but it makes her look like she cares more about character then her looks. She has a blank face like she’s seeing the future or something. I can’t get into her head to find out. Confused? Yes, but like Bree I’m glad to give somebody some peace.

As casually as I can because its driving me crazy, “do you have some sort of psychic powers?” she gave me the strangest look ever, but finally giving up the mask, she nodded.

“What kind?”

It took her a long time. I guess she never really speak of this, “uh I can see futures and visions where people are when I’m looking for them” she gave me a shy smile; this is when I realized that she close to my height. 6’4” maybe less, I consider that close enough to my 6’7” height.

“That’s so cool, can you do it without knowing the person?”

“Well, I can, but I need to know what the person looks like before I find them.”

I nodded; too bad I don’t have a picture of Bree or Darren, but Dimitri or Maggie do. I turned and called to them to come here.

“Dimitri do you have a picture of your sister?”

“Awe, somebody already miss her. She’s fine. She’s strong and find her way to us.”

I punched his arm; “I need it for a reason, duh”

“What reason?” Maggie chirped in.

“Sage, here can see where people are, but she needs to know what the person looks like.”

They both stared at her in awed. Dimitri reached into his pocket and grabbed a photo and handed it to me, she looked so young in this picture but I could tell it was Bree.

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