Chapter 27 What the Heck is Going On People?!

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Rebekah's POV

I was shocked by the building appearing out of nowhere, confused by them, whoever they are, and then earth starts trembling and Daniel, my new not-so-much friend, just gets knocked out.

What the heck was going on?

The other two boys took Daniel and propped him against a wall, while Joanna, I think it is, looked at me and laughed.
"You're a demigod too. I know it, because they-"
"Who the heck are they?"
Joanna shifted, then looked me in the eyes.
"The Keres. Spirits of violent death. They're after us, and we're all demigods. We assumed all of the demigods were chased by Keres, so yeah."
"I'm a daughter of Thanatos."

"Thanatos? And you didn't tell me? In all that time we had together?" Daniel asked, shocked. Daniel had just woken up, and he was a little tired looking. I blushed furiously. He shook his head, meaning No, I didn't mean it that way, while his siblings laughed and Josh hit him on the back.
"I didn't know if you were just a gang or rescue team or something." I understood how it felt to have information withheld.

Andy's POV

Stephanie kept asking, and Nico was sharpening his sword with a rock. When Stephanie said something about Ashley, Nico got up and slashed his sword at her through the bars.
Stephanie gasped.
"But I thought... You'd...Need..."
Nico was breathing heavily. I was worried we might need the information when Stephanie dissolved.

Bob came tumbling out of nowhere, with his broom-sword-broomerang thing, and slashed at the bars. I flinched backwards, but Nico wasn't so lucky. He wasn't looking, so he got a gash across the cheek. Nico suddenly had his Stygian Iron sword at Bob's neck, and Small Bob stepped back and hissed. Nico withdrew his sword when seeing Small Bob.
"Oh. It's you guys."
I rolled my eyes.
"Bob? Small...?" Percy had his eyebrows scrunched up, and then Nico widened his eyes.
"You remember them?" Percy shrugged.
"Only the names."
Nico shook his head. "I thought..."

Rebekah's POV

Withered old ladies came flying out of the ceiling, leaving a charred roof and rain was pouring on us. Wherever they went they left dark acid, so I was sure to step away. I couldn't, however, when Daniel was being ganged up on.

I pulled out a sword, and I charged, thinking I'm an idiot, but hey, what could I do? Reflexes took over as I battled the Keres. I dodged the attacks, then I felt a harsh pain like knives scratching my back. I saw black blood spilling from my back, and the Keres cackled.

"A violent death! Another violent death for a pretty girl!" I think that's what she said. I was too busy fighting both blood loss and a violent death. Oh, joy.

Daniel had pulled out a javelin and stabbed at a Ker, but then he fell back against the wall. He groaned, and I saw a black eye. I charged further and destroyed every one of the Keres, then I realized my head was pounding. I saw complete white, and I heard a scream and a sickening crack!

It was agonizing. I was paralyzed, in complete pain, laying there, not able to breathe or talk. I couldn't see what my new family was doing, but I was thankful for it. The pain subsided, and I couldn't see for a while longer. The white faded away and only Daniel was over me.

When I opened my eyes, Daniel jumped in shock.

"You didn't die!" I shrugged.

"I'm alive, and here I am, so I didn't die." Daniel smiled, then hugged me. I hugged him back until the others came back with sacks.

"Uh, who's hungry?" Josh asked when we dug in. Joanna elbowed him, then smirked at Daniel.

"Look who has a girlfriend!" She sang at Andy. Daniel blushed then smacked her arm. I felt a pang of sorrow, thinking of Andy. He was in danger because of me, and here I was enjoying a family. According to Stephanie, Ashley would be killed in sacrifice, and Andy would have no home. By now he should know. I thought about a plan that had formed in my mind, and decided, no matter what, I would leave this family. I didn't deserve it, and the one person who did was Andy.

It was dark, and the building suddenly had five master beds. Looking at my shocked expression, Daniel explained.

"Joanna's a daughter of Hecate, and she made these beds using magic." We all flopped on the beds, and fell asleep. Finally, in a long time, not even being with Erick, my older brother, made me feel this way, I was at peace.

Just not for long.

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